Historian Server Performance Tags

The following table provides information about the various Historian Server Performance tags.

Table 1. Server Performance Tags
Tag NameDescription
PerfTag_CompressionRatio Specifies the current effect of archive data compression.
PerfTag_MinimumCompressionRatio Specifies the minimum compression ratio.
PerfTag_MaximumCompressionRatio Specifies the maximum compression ratio.
PerfTag_TotalEvents Specifies the total number of data samples reported to the Historian archive from all sources.
PerfTag_TotalOutOfOrder Specifies the total out of order data samples.
PerfTag_AverageEventRate Specifies the average number of data samples per minute sent to archiver from all sources
PerfTag_MinimumEventRate Specifies the minimum number of data samples per minute sent to archiver from all sources.
PerfTag_MaximumEventRate Specifies the maximum number of data samples per minute sent to archiver from all sources.
PerfTag_WriteCacheHitRatio Specifies the hit ratio of the write cache in percent of the total writes.
PerfTag_TotalFailedWrites Specifies the total number of samples since startup that failed to be written.
PerfTag_TotalMessages Specifies the total messages (for example, connection or audit messages) received by the archiver since startup
PerfTag_TotalAlerts Specifies the total number of alerts received by the data archiver since startup.
PerfTag_FreeSpace Indicates the free disk space left in the current archive.
PerfTag_SpaceConsumptionRate Specifies an archive disk space consumption rate in megabytes per day.
PerfTag_PredictedDaysToFull Indicates the approximate number of days required for an archive to fill.
PerfTag_MemoryUsage Specifies the amount of RAM used by the Data Archiver.
PerfTag_MemoryVMSize Specifies the amount of virtual memory used by the Data Archiver.
PerfTag_TotalAlarms Specifies the total number of alarms received by the Data Archiver since starting up.
PerfTag_AverageAlarmRate Specifies the average alarm rate in alarms per minute received by Data Archiver.
PerfTag_TotalFailedAlarms Specifies the total number of alarms since startup that failed to be written.
Perftag_ReadQueueSize Specifies the total number of messages present in the Read queue.
Perftag_AverageReadRate Specifies the total number of data samples per minute returned from the Data Archiver for all read requests.
Perftag_ReadQueuePushRate Specifies the number of read requests per minute that came into the archiver from all clients. A read request can return multiple data samples.
Perftag_WriteQueuePushRate Specifies the number of write requests per minute that came into the archiver from all clients. A write request can contain multiple data samples.