Configure Proficy Authentication in CIMPLICITY

Before you begin to configure Proficy Authentication, read the Best Practices and Limitations section.

Proficy Authentication provides support for multi-factor authentication. It also provides centralized management of Proficy users and groups, and a common security model across Proficy products.
  • For CIMPLICITY security to work in the network, all the CIMPLICITY nodes must be connected to a same Proficy Authentication server. If you have any previous versions of CIMPLICITY, you can continue to log in to CIMPLICITY 2023 using the existing security users.
  • If you are connecting to the CIMPLICITY 2023 Server using the previous version of the CIMPLICITY Viewer, you must set the ONLY_ACCEPT_ENCRYPTED_PWD global parameter value to N.
You can use Proficy Authentication in the following scenarios:
  • You want to use a common, multi-factor authentication to log in to CIMPLICITY and other Proficy products, regardless if you are using Configuration Hub.
  • You installed CIMPLICITY, Configuration Hub, and the Proficy Authentication(UAA) server, and you want to host CIMPLICITY plug-in in Configuration Hub.

To configure and register CIMPLICITY nodes to the Proficy Authentication server, you must initially configure the Proficy Authentication server parameters in CIMPLICITY.