1.2. Open a Project through the Start Menu

About this task

  • Start menu
  • Project shortcut on the Start menu

Start menu


  1. Click Start on a supported Windows version task bar.
  2. Select (All) Programs>Proficy HMI SCADA - CIMPLICITY version.
  3. Click the project you want to open.
    Important: You can add a shortcut for any of your projects to the Start Menu.


Result: The ??selected project opens in the Workbench.

Project shortcut on the Start Menu

About this task

The CIMPLICITY Workbench provides you with an easy way to place your project in the CIMPLICITY Start menu. Once you do, a user can use the Start menu to open the project's Workbench.


  1. Click File>Install on the Workbench menu bar.
    A Create Shortcut dialog box opens.
  2. Select the folder (or create a new folder) in which you want the CIMPLICITY project to display.
  3. Click OK.


The project will display on the Start menu in the folder you selected.