Running the FloPro/FloNet Communications Test Program


  1. Open the project's Workbench.
  2. From the Tools menu, select Command Prompt....
  3. In the Command Prompt window, type the following command:

    flopro_diag [<address>]

    Where <address> is an optional argument and is the IP address of the target PC. If you do not supply this argument, the IP address defaults to

    When you run flopro_diag and select a nonexistent IP address or an IP address for a computer where FloPro is not configured, the output will show domain sizes of zero.

    When you run flopro_diag for a target computer where FloPro is working correctly, it produces output like the following:

    Target is IP address
    Test to run 1 times??
    The Sockets DLL version is 1.1
    Examining domain limits database...??
    For FloPro server at IP addr 9f051a03,??
    ????limit[ 0]=4095????????Input
    ????limit[ 1]=4095????????Input Force
    ????limit[ 2]=4095????????Flag
    ????limit[ 3]=4095????????Flag Force
    ????limit[ 4]=1023????????Timer
    ????limit[ 5]=2047????????Counter
    ????limit[ 6]=1023????????Register
    ????limit[ 7]=4095????????Output
    ????limit[ 8]=4095????????Output Force
    ????limit[ 9]=2047????????Number