CIMPLICITY Project Information

Enter the following information about the CIMPLICITY project that uses OMRON TCP/IP communications:

The IP address for the computer running the CIMPLICITY project:
The netmask setting for your Ethernet network. This determines the network "class". Also referred to as the subnet mask.
The SNA value defined via the global parameter file (if the default of zero is over ridden).
The SA1 value defined via the global parameter file.
Host name assigned to the target controller or the controller acting as a gateway if the target is on a subnetwork.
The DNA value entered for the target controller. This is the <subnetwork number>.
The DA1 value entered for the target controller. This is the <address>.
Complete entry for the address of the controller in the Address field of the Default properties page in the Device Configuration dialog box.

Make sure you have printouts of the following files on hand:

  • The operating system's services file.

Locate the service name used to get the UDP Port Number for binding the communication socket and the Service Name defined for project.

  • The hosts file.

Locate the Host Names and IP addresses for the controllers with which you will be communicating.

  • The glb_parms.idt file.

Locate any global parameters you defined for OMRON TCP/IP communications.