Match Addresses with Unsolicited Messages

The following logical names control how addresses are matched with unsolicited messages. By default, Mitsubishi TCP/IP communications matches each register address with either the HEX or DECIMAL addresses or both.

  • If either <prcnam>_UNSO_HEX or <prcnam>_UNSO_DEC is defined to be TRUE, addresses are matched using only the defined method.
  • If <prcnam>_UNSO_ALL_TYPES is defined to be true, Mitsubishi TCP/IP communications matches the address with both the HEX and DECIMAL addresses.
  • If more than one method is defined, the default behavior will take precedence.

The value of <prcnam> is MTCPIP0 in a standard configuration.

The default method is <prcnam>_UNSO_EITHER.