6. Complex Relationship Expression for TADB Normal Group Attributes


  1. There are three item types (in the expression), defined as follows.
    Component Components that are built into the product.
    Order Invoice information includes what the customer wants, including the Order Card group.
    Customer Information includes the Address group and billing.
  2. There are two Attribute groups.
    Address Attributes include State and City.
    Order Card Attributes include G.

    Query Expression

    TestItem(“Component1”,”Order{Customer{Address.State=’NY’&Address.City=’Albany’}&Order Card.G,6=’b’}”)


    Criteria Is/are the:
    TestItem Expression test.
    Component1 Component item
    State Address group attribute
    'NY' State attribute value
    City Address group attribute
    Albany City attribute value
    G Order card attribute
    6 Position 6 in the G attribute value
    b Character in position 6 in the G attribute value.

    Expression says:

    Determine if the Component1 item is associated with an order that:

    • Has the character b in the 6th position in the Order Card's attribute G value

    and where that order

    • Is associated with a Customer item in Albany,NY.