Step 2. Edit the Data_field.idt

Data_field.idt defines the fields in each logging table.

The following three tables are the basic tables that are used to hold logged PRT data. Fields for these tables are already defined in the data_field.idt file.

The tables are:

Table Contains Data Logged for any PRT:
PRT_GRP Group.
PRT_ITEM Item or Item attribute.
PRT_REG Region.
Important: Change the names of these three files if the service ID is not PRT_DC.

Fields that are listed for the tables are:

PRT_GRP Fields Description
View fields in sample file.
Event_Type Text description of the type of event which triggered logging.
Group_Id Name of the group for which the event occurred.
Ext_Hold_Active External hold state of the group.
Ext_Hold_Reason Text description of reason for external hold activation.
Ext_Service_Id Name of the external process, which modified the group's status mask.
Comment Extra data sent to PRT to describe the changes made.
User_Id Identifies the agent, which modified the group's status mask.  
PRT_ITEM Fields Description
View fields in sample file.
Event_Type Text description of the type of event which triggered logging.
Entry_Time Time the Item entered the current region.
Modify_Bitmask Mask whose bits identify which tracking fields for this Item were modified.
Region_1_Id Name of exited region, in the case of a move, otherwise name of region, which contains modified Item.
Region_1_Loc Location of Item in exited region, in the case of a move, otherwise location in region of modified Item.
Region_2_Id Name of entered region, in the case of a move.
Region_2_Loc Location of Item in entered region, in the case of a move.
Item_Tracking_Type Types: Serialized, Non-serialized.
Item_Id Item modified.
Reference_Id RefId of the modified Item.
Item_Type_Id Item type of the modified Item.
Assoc_Item_Id Id of serialized item with which this Item is associated.
Item_Status Items status mask.
Int_Hold_Active Internal Hold State.
Int_Hold_Reason Text Description of reason for internal hold activation.
Ext_Hold_Active External hold state.
Group_Id Name of group associated with activating external hold.
Num_Valid_Atts Number of valid Item attributes.
Att_<x>_Name <x> = 1 to Num_Valid_Atts. Names of each valid attribute.
Att_<x>_Value <x> = 1 to Num_Valid_Atts. Values of each valid attribute.
Comment Extra data sent to PRT to describe the changes made.
User_Id User who modified the Item.
PRT_REG Fields Description
View fields in sample file.
Event_Type Text description of the type of event which triggered logging.
Region_Id Name of modified region.
Region_Status Region status mask.
Comment Extra data sent to PRT to describe the changes made.
User_Id Identifies the agent which modified the Region.
PRT_GRP Fields Description
View fields in sample file.
Event_Type Text description of the type of event which triggered logging.
Group_Id Name of the group for which the event occurred.
Ext_Hold_Active External hold state of the group.
Ext_Hold_Reason Text description of reason for external hold activation.
Ext_Service_Id Name of the external process, which modified the group's status mask.
Comment Extra data sent to PRT to describe the changes made.
User_Id Identifies the agent, which modified the group's status mask.  
PRT_ITEM Fields Description
View fields in sample file.
Event_Type Text description of the type of event which triggered logging.
Entry_Time Time the Item entered the current region.
Modify_Bitmask Mask whose bits identify which tracking fields for this Item were modified.
Region_1_Id Name of exited region, in the case of a move, otherwise name of region, which contains modified Item.
Region_1_Loc Location of Item in exited region, in the case of a move, otherwise location in region of modified Item.
Region_2_Id Name of entered region, in the case of a move.
Region_2_Loc Location of Item in entered region, in the case of a move.
Item_Tracking_Type Types: Serialized, Non-serialized.
Item_Id Item modified.
Reference_Id RefId of the modified Item.
Item_Type_Id Item type of the modified Item.
Assoc_Item_Id Id of serialized item with which this Item is associated.
Item_Status Items status mask.
Int_Hold_Active Internal Hold State.
Int_Hold_Reason Text Description of reason for internal hold activation.
Ext_Hold_Active External hold state.
Group_Id Name of group associated with activating external hold.
Num_Valid_Atts Number of valid Item attributes.
Att_<x>_Name <x> = 1 to Num_Valid_Atts. Names of each valid attribute.
Att_<x>_Value <x> = 1 to Num_Valid_Atts. Values of each valid attribute.
Comment Extra data sent to PRT to describe the changes made.
User_Id User who modified the Item.
RCO_SITE Fields Description
 View fields in sample file.
<RCO_SITE1> is the name of each RCO site for which logging should be enabled.
  • RCO_SITE1 is replaced with the name of the actual RCO site.
  • Each RCO site is listed separately.
operation Has the value the kind of operation that has happened in the RCOSITE. Example
  • RCO Start
  • Point Read
data_name Holds the value of the item for which the above operation is performed. Examples
  • operation is "Point Read "
then data_name holds "<POINTNAME>"
  • operation is "DECISION_SELECT"
data_name holds "<DECISIONNAME>"
  • operation is "SCRIPT RUN"
data_name holds "<SCRIPTNAME>"
old_value Holds the value of the data_item after execution of the associated operation. Is used when the following happens.
  • Change in Site status.
  • An attribute was updated of a Item.
new_value Holds the value of the data_item after execution of the associated operation. Is used/logged when the following happens.
  • Change in Site status.
  • A point was updated.
  • A point was Read.
  • An attribute was updated of a Item.
  • An attribute was accessed of a Item.
comments Description of action
n1 Used only for points with array elements.
n2 Never used, reserved for future use.
Optional Any other pertinent information such as:
  • Point value
  • Process ID
  • Item ID
  • Reason decision eliminated.
Note: Logging configuration does not require specific fields. Therefore, you can use only the fields that your application requires. However, if you change a logged field that has other fields after it you need to update the offset field to reflect the change in size.



  • Change the ATTR_NAME r ecord to a field_len of 32.
  • Need to change the offset field of the ATTR_VALUE to 68.