Step 1. Draw a Picture of the Production Process: PRT Planning

Start designing your Tracking Model by drawing a simple picture of the production process to be tracked. In order to make a complete representation, be sure to include all of the following in your illustration:

  • All possible areas and paths through which the product can flow; ensure there are no gaps to prevent data leaks.
  • Operator interfaces and devices that indicate a transition of items from one area to another.
  • Detainment areas or regions where product is held or scrapped.

Example of a simple manufacturing process

Included are:

  • All possible production paths.
  • Production flow, indicated with arrows.
  • Operator interfaces and devices where transitions take place.

1 Regions.
2 Operator interface stations.
3 Sensors.
4 Devices where transitions take place.
5 Product flow by using direction arrows.
6 All possible paths in the production process.
7 Detainment region for scrapped goods.