Edit .csv Files in Excel

This topic describes how to use Excel to edit a CSV file.

If you want to enter a blank character field, use " " (a double-quote, followed by any number of spaces, followed by a double-quote) for the field entry.

Using double-quotes  is extremely important, particularly if you are changing a field that has an existing value.

If you enclose the space in quotes, CLIE will recognize that the field value should be changed to no value.

If you do not enclose the space in quotes, CLIE will interpret the empty space as "Do not change the original value." As a result, the next time you import the file, the original value will remain.

Initial blanks at the start of a field are ignored. If you want initial blanks, you must edit the file with Notepad and enclose the field in double-quotes. For example:

   ,"     Initial blanks",...

Important: If you do not enclose the field (including blanks)  in double-quotes, the initial blanks will not appear.

A field that contains a comma does not need to be enclosed in double quotes. For example:

You do not need to enter two double quotes if you want a double quote to be a part of a data string. For example: