Wait for Point Management Responses

Once an application has sent requests to Point Management, it must wait for responses to be returned. The application can use one of two strategies for recognizing that responses have been received. The application can check the event flag that was passed to PTMAP in the PTMAP_initiate function; the event flag is set high when a response is received. Or the application can call a PTMAP_wait function to wait for the receipt of one or more responses.

Once responses have been received, the application may call one of the PTMAP_get functions to access the responses.

The subroutines are:

PTMAP_wait_req Wait For A Response To A Request
PTMAP_wait_point Wait For A Response For A Point
PTMAP_wait_sl Wait For Response To Shopping List Request
PTMAP_wait_sl_point Wait For Response To Shopping List Point Request
PTMAP_wait_all Wait For Responses To Any Request