
Use this function to write values to the cor_status structure.


COR_STATUS *cor_setstatus( int result, int source, int code, int ref,
      const TCHAR * msg, COR_STATUS *status)

Input Arguments

result COR_WARNING, COR_SUCCESS, or COR_FAILURE: 0 - Error detected - non fatal. 1 - No error, all errors corrected. 2 - Fatal error detected.
source Error source; the code that identifies the source subsystem.
code Error code. See cor_stat.h.
ref Error reference , used to distinguish the difference between two errors with the same error code.
msg Error message.

Output Arguments

status Pointer to the status block (COR_STATUS structure) that is set with input argument values.

Return Value


The value is sent to the status log, which is viewed through the Log Viewer application.