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IW Webinar-Getting Beyond Stuck: Digital Transformation is Closer Than You Think

Webinar: Digital Transformation is closer than you think

Think digital transformation is out of reach?

Learn what leading manufacturers around the world have discovered as they move toward their ultimate ambition: the business outcomes that justify investment in digital transformation. Watch this webinar to:

  • Gain insights into where you stack up compared to others on the digital transformation journey, and immediately applicable ways to accelerate it
  • Understanding of the limits to digital transformation success and how to overcome them
  • Realize the cultural and leadership conditions that make the promise of digital transformation possible
  • Focus on areas that can enhance your digital transformation plan to realize tangible benefits

Watch this Industry Week webinar, sponsored by GE Digital.

Digital Transformation for Industrial Companies

Transmission control center | GE Digital software in use for T&D

Solutions for Today. Scale for Tomorrow

Explore real-world examples of digital transformation in action. GE Digital’s clients exemplify the spirit of digital transformation and operational excellence. They are imaginative, inspired, and constantly in motion.

Industry Week State of the Market: Digital Transformation is Closer Than You Think | White paper

Think digital transformation is out of reach?

Industry Week research uncovered that 1 in 4 companies think "we're just not there yet technologically," citing challenges including cost and lack of qualified talent. Across departments and roles, from leadership to the plant floor, the vision of how your company transforms into the digital world, and what that looks like for every person and system, must be your top priority.


Realize the benefits of digitization including reduced downtime, increased quality, and data-based insights into operations. 


Read the Industry Week State of the Industry report today.