Proficy Smart Factory - MES Solutions
Bring real-world benefits to specific problems
Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) are growing in demand as producers seek to use modern computing technology to manage and streamline plant operations.
MES operations require that a plant be modeled in a way that allows software like Proficy Workflow to perform calculations and track inputs and outputs to factory processes and to track the movement of materials and other resources in the factory. After a plant is modeled in software and the activities of the plant fed into the model, applications can be written with Proficy’s workflow engine to analyze plant operations and control execution.
The ISA S95 standard provides a common model for production processes and resources, and a standard interface for exposing that model to higher-level ERP systems and lower-level S88-based control systems. Proficy Workflow implements S95, giving customers a flexible, standards-based foundation for building applications and interfacing with other software.
This white paper describes the implementation of the S95 standard as used in Proficy Workflow.