Test the web service methods

You can test the methods contained in the web service's WSDL file before you use them in a workflow call method activity or in a form.

Before you begin

In order to manage web services, you must be a member of a personnel group that has the Manage Web Service key set permission assigned to it.


  1. In the navigator, click Proficy System Proficy System Web Services.
  2. From the Web Service Definition list, select the web service you want to work with.
  3. In the Displays panel, click Web Service Editor.
  4. Click the Test tab.
  5. In the Method field, select the method you want to test.
    The endpoint associated with the selected method is displayed in the Method Endpoint field and the input parameters for the selected method are displayed in the Inputs panel.
  6. In the Inputs panel, where applicable, enter values for the displayed input parameters.
  7. Click Test.
    If the test passes, the results are displayed in the Outputs panel. If the test fails, an error is displayed in the Feedback Zone.
    Note: For testing purposes, you can use only simple input such as strings and integers. More complex data types are not supported for testing. This restriction also applies to the output values.