Step through a workflow

Before you begin

When you access your workflow in the Workspace, you can move through it step by step.
Note: If any workflow configurations require outside interaction, you must perform these actions by logging into a separate Client application before continuing the debugging session. Otherwise, when you navigate away from the debugging session, the session is lost.


  1. Start a debugging session. See Start and end a test debugging session.
    Note: To start a debugging session for a running workflow, see View a workflow instance.
  2. Select the step you want to start at.
  3. From the Debugger Control Bar, click Step.
  4. To step through each activity, click Step.
    Note: Each time you click Step, the next activity runs, and then pauses before running the next step or activity. If there are multiple subprocesses, you step through the presubprocess and postsubprocess before and after each subprocess until the final subprocess runs.