Configure visibility of the scroll bar for Silverlight forms hosted in the Task List

To disable the horizontal and vertical scroll bars in forms used in a web-based Task List, you can configure the FormProperties class in order to set the visibility to false.


  1. From the Project tree, open the file, MainPage.xaml.cs.
  2. In the Main Page constructor, disable the ScrollBar form property values by using the code below.
    According to the Microsoft ScrollBarVisibility enumeration in the System.Windows.Controls namespace, the possible values for scroll bar visibility are:
    • ScrollBarVisibility.Auto
    • ScrollBarVisibility.Disabled
    • ScrollBarVisibility.Hidden
    • ScrollBarVisibility.Visible
    public MainPage()
       _interfaceHelpers[typeof(IResourceParameters)] = new FragmentMetadataByAttributes(this);
       _interfaceHelpers[typeof(IFragmentInitialization)] = new FragmentInitialization(this);
       // Example: Setting the Web Task List's ScrollBar Visibility property to Disabled            
       FormProperties.SetHorizontalScrollBarVisibility(this, ScrollBarVisibility.Disabled);         
       FormProperties.SetVerticalScrollBarVisibility(this, ScrollBarVisibility.Disabled);
  3. To add code-designed forms to a workflow, see Configure a Form activity.