Task Step Expired Event Source

This event is signalled when a task step's expiry time is reached before a task is complete.

Following are all available properties that are specific to this event source.

PropertyData TypeDescription
ScheduleDirectoryResourceThe schedule for the instance that expired. This value is null if the workflow was not started from a schedule.
StepDefinitionIDStringThe unique identifier of the task step definition that expired. It corresponds to the ID property in subprocess activities.
TaskInstanceIDGUIDThe unique identifier of the task instance that expired. It corresponds to the TaskInstanceID property in a workflow.
TaskNameStringA unique name that is distinguishable from the workflow name.
TaskPriorityNullable Int32The task priority order for the current workflow
TaskStartTimeDateTimeThe date and time that a task started.
TaskStepAssignedLocationDirectoryResourceThe location that a task step is assigned to.
TaskStepAssignedPersonnelDirectoryResourceThe person that a task step is assigned to.
TaskStepCurrentComputerDirectoryResourceThe current computer that a task step is running on.
TaskStepCurrentUserDirectoryResourceThe current user that a task step is assigned to.
TaskStepNameStringA unique name that is distinguishable from the subprocess name.
TaskStepInstanceIDGUIDThe unique identifier of the task step instance that expired. It corresponds to the TaskStepInstanceID property in subprocess activities.
TaskStepStartTimeDateTimeThe date and time that a task step started.
WorkflowDirectoryResourceThe workflow definition for the instance that expired.