
Starts the named workflow schedule with specified input parameter values, and returns a workflow instance ID. The client can then make additional requests against this instance at a later time.

InputsData TypeDescription

Specifies the parameters of the schedule being started.

Data TypeDescription

Returns the workflow instance ID of the instance that was started.

Data Contracts

The StartScheduleParameters object passes into the StartWorkflowScheduleWithResult method and provides the required parameters to this method. It contains the following properties and uses the WorkflowIdentifier ENUM.

public class StartScheduleParameters
  public WorkflowIdentifier ScheduleId;                    

  public Collection<ScheduleInputParameterOverride> InputParameterOverrides;

Schedules start based on the WorkflowIdentifier values requested. This data contract can contain either the address of the schedule or its display name and user version. The type of data being sent is specified by the Type parameter of WorkflowIdentifier. If this parameter is not set and no address is provided, then the schedule start defaults to Address and throws an exception.

public class WorkflowIdentifier
  public string Address;       

  public string DisplayName;       

  public string UserVersion;       

  public WorkflowIdentifierType Type;

public enum WorkflowIdentifierType