SetHistorianTagAttributes (IEquipmentHistorian)

Configures the Historian tag attributes for the specified equipment property.

InputsData TypeDescription
equipment AddressDirectoryResourceSpecifies the equipment instance that owns the property associated with the Historian tag whose attributes you want to configure.

In the Configure Method dialog box, click Next to select a resource. Otherwise, in the Inputs section of the activity configuration panel, click the ellipsis button to select a resource.

propertyNameStringSpecifies the name of the equipment property associated with the Historian tag whose attributes you want to configure.
tagAttributesTagAttributesSpecifies the tag attributes you want to configure.

It is recommended that you modify only the following tag attributes for proper server to server tag setup for data collection:

  • CollectorName
  • CollectorType
  • SourceAddress
  • CalculationTriggers
  • CollectionType
  • CollectionInterval
  • DataType
  • StoreMilliseconds

Returns the historical data for the specified equipment property.