Reading Data Internally

In addition to input parameters, your form can have input data that is read internally; such as from a data source. This kind of data normally is received from a subscription to a Workflow service provider, and can be displayed in the form.

The code that reads the data should be inserted into the TransferDataIn() override, and then the properties of the display objects can be set to values from the data.

An existing sample form (UsersFormVB) shows a list of user names obtained from the Personnel service provider. The code for the override is as follows:

Public Overloads Overrides Sub TransferDataIn()
            Dim userStartup As Proficy.Platform.Core.ClientTools.ServiceDirectory.UserStartup = userStartup.[Default]
            Dim personnelService As Proficy.Platform.Services.Personnel.Interfaces.IPersonnel = TryCast(userStartup.GetDefaultProvider("IPersonnel"), Proficy.Platform.Services.Personnel.Interfaces.IPersonnel)
            Dim people As Proficy.Platform.Services.Personnel.DataTypes.Person() = personnelService.GetAllUsers()
            _usersList = New List(Of String)()
            If people IsNot Nothing Then
                For Each person As Proficy.Platform.Services.Personnel.DataTypes.Person In people
            End If
        Catch e As Exception
            HeaderLabel.Text = "Error: " + e.Message
            HeaderLabel.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red
        End Try
    End Sub