QueryMaterialLots (IMaterial)

Performs a query against a runtime database for material lots. All material lots that match the specified query criteria are returned.

In the Configure Method dialog box, click Next to select query criteria to include as input parameters on the activity configuration panel.

Note: If you do not select any query criteria as input parameters, your query returns up to 500 of the most recently modified lots. To return additional results, configure one or more queries using the Last Modified Time (Max) and Last Modified Time (Min) parameters. Bind the Last Modified Time (Max) parameter of subsequent queries to the OldestLastModified property of the MaterialLotCollection output parameter (in the Select Variable dialog box) from the previous query to return the next set of results. Each query returns up to 500 results.
InputsData TypeDescription
Detail LevelMaterialLotDetailLevel
Specifies the level of detail that you want the query to return. Valid values are:
  • OnlyAttributes
  • IncludeChildSublots
  • IncludeProperties
  • FullDetails
Is ClosedBooleanIndicates whether the returned material lots are closed or finished. Valid values are:
  • True
  • False
Last Modified Time (Max)DateTime

Specifies the latest modified date and time to include in your query. This is the most recent date/time that returned material lots were modified.

Lsat Modified Time (Min)DateTime

Specifies the earliest modified date and time to include in your query. This is the earliest date/time that returned material lots were modified.


Specifies the equipment location to include in your query.

Material DefinitionDirectoryResource

Specifies the material definition to include in your query.

Quantity MaxDouble

Specifies the maximum quantity to return.

Quantity MinDouble

Specifies the minimum quantity to return.

S95 IDStringSpecifies the name of the material lot to include in your query.
Note: The name you enter must be an exact match for the S95 ID. S95 IDs are case sensitive and wild cards are not permitted in a query.

Specifies the run time status to include in your query.

MaterialLotCollection Returns a collection of material lots for a specific material resource based on the criteria indicated.