Hosting Custom Web Forms

You can use custom forms that are hosted on a separate domain.

HTTP Headers

To load custom web forms, you must:
  1. Create a secure web host.
  2. Add the following HTTP header to each host response: Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
  3. Configure the HTTP header value for each host response to include the domain information where you will be hosting the custom forms.
  4. Add a second HTTP header to each host response: Access-Control-Allow-Headers with the value authorization,content-type,pragma,cache-control.

Using IIS to Host Custom Web Forms

Note: This section assumes that you have a knowledge of web administration, and that you have already set up a web application and created a location containing a custom web form.
  1. Start the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager application.
  2. Select the folder that contains the form.
  3. From the IIS section in the central panel, double-click HTTP Response Headers.
  4. From the Actions panel, click Add.
  5. In the Name field, enter Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
  6. In the Value field, enter the host where the Task List will be hosted. For example, for the Vision web server, enter https://mywebserver.
  7. Click OK.
  8. To add another header, from the Actions panel, click Add.
  9. In the Name field, enter Access-Control-Allow-Headers.
  10. In the Value field, enter authorization,content-type,pragma,cache-control.
  11. Click OK.