Common Controls

Workflow provides a series of common controls to use in forms and user display authoring.

Common Controls Property Usage

The following table shows the properties used by each control:
PropertyButtonCalendarCheck BoxExpanderHyperlinkImageLabelMasked Text BoxPassword BoxProgress BarRadio Button Item [add]Repeat ButtonRich Text BoxScroll BarSliderText BlockText BoxToggle ButtonValidating Text Box

Common Controls Property Descriptions

The following table shows the properties descriptions used by all control:
AcceptsReturnSelect this check box to indicate that pressing Enter in a multiline Text Box control creates a new line of text in the control or activates the default button.
AcceptsTabSelect this check box to indicate that pressing the Tab key in a multiline text box control types a tab character in the control instead of moving the focus to the next control in the tab order.
AllowDropSelect this check box to indicate that the control can accept data that is dragged onto it.
AutoToolTipPlacementSpecifies whether a tooltip that contains the current value of the slider displays when the thumb is pressed and also specifies the placement of the tooltip. Selections are:
  • None
  • Top Left
  • Bottom Right
AutoToolTipPrecisionSpecifies the number of digits to the right side of the decimal point to display in a tooltip for the value of the slider.
AutoWordSelectionSelect this check box to indicate that when you select part of a word by dragging across it with the mouse, the rest of the word is selected.
ArrowBackgroundExpand this field to select the background color for an arrow button control.
ArrowBorderBrushExpand this field to select the border color of the selected arrow control.
ArrowDesignSpecifies the appearance of the arrow. Available selections are:
  • Pointer
  • Barbed
  • Triangle
ArrowDirectionSpecifies the direction of the arrow. Available selections are:
  • Up
  • Down
  • Right
  • Left
ArrowPaddingSpecifies the horizontal and vertical alignment of the arrow within the button.
BackgroundExpand this field to select the background color of the selected control.
BaselineOffsetSpecifies the amount of space, by which each line of text is offset from the baseline.
BorderBrushExpand this field to select the border color of the selected control.
BorderThicknessSpecifies the border thickness of a control, in pixels.
CacheModeSpecifies a value that indicates that rendered content should be cached when possible.
CalendarButtonStyleSpecifies the style of the calendar's buttons.
CalendarDayButtonStyleSpecifies the style of the calendar's day buttons.
CalendarItemStyleSpecifies the style of the calendar's items.
CaretBrushExpand this field to select the brush to use to render the vertical bar that indicates the insertion point.
CharacterCasingSpecifies how characters are cased when they are manually entered into the text box. Selections are:
  • Normal
  • Lower
  • Upper
ClickModeSpecifies when the Click event occurs. Selections are:
  • Hover
  • Press
  • Release
ClipSpecifies the geometric shape used to define the outline of the image. Selections are:
  • Hover
  • Press
  • Release
ClipToBoundsSelect this check box to clip the content of this control (or content coming from the child elements of this control) to fit into the size of the containing control.
ColumnSpecifies the column within the grid where the control is located.
ColumnSpanSpecifies the total number of columns that child content spans within a grid.
CommandSpecifies the command to invoke when this control is pressed or clicked.
CommandParameterSpecifies the parameter to pass to the Command property.
CommandTargetSpecifies the element on which to raise the specified command.
ContentSpecifies the content displayed on the control.
ContentStringFormatSpecifies a composite string that determines how to format the Content property if it is displayed as a string.
ContentTemplateSpecifies the data template used to display the content of the Content property.
CursorSpecifies the cursor image to display when the mouse pointer hovers over an object.
DataContextSpecifies the data context for a control when it participates in data binding.
DelaySpecifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that the control waits while being pressed before a command executes.
DisplayDateSpecifies the date to display.
DisplayDateEndSpecifies the last date in the date range that is available in the calendar.
DisplayDateStartSpecifies the first date that is available in the calendar.
DisplayModeSpecifies whether the calendar displays a month, year, or decade.
EffectClick the arrow to expand the property, select the effect you want to apply to the control, and then configure the specific values for the effect. Valid values to select are:
  • Blur
    • Kernel Type
    • Radius
  • Drop Shadow
    • Color
    • Direction
    • Opactiy
    • Shadow Depth
FirstDayOfWeekSpecifies the day that is considered the beginning of the week. Selections are:
  • Sunday
  • Modnay
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
FlowDirectionSpecifies the direction that text and other user interface (UI) elements flow within any parent control. Selections are:
  • Left to Right
  • Right to Left
FocusableSelect this check box to indicate that the control can receive focus.
FocusVisualStyleSpecifies a property that enables customization of appearance, effects, or other style characteristics that apply to this control when it has focus.
FontFamilySpecifies the font family for the control.
FontSizeSpecifies the font size for the control.
FontStretchSpecifies the degree to which a font is condensed or expanded on the screen.
FontStyleSpecifies the font style for the control.
FontWeightSpecifies the weight or thickness of the specified font.
ForceCursorSelect this check box to indicate that the user interface (UI) renders the cursor as declared by the Cursor property.
ForegroundExpand this field to select the foreground color.
HeightSpecifies the height of the control, in pixels.
HorizontalAlignmentSpecifies the horizontal alignment characteristics applied to this control. Selections are:
  • Left
  • Center
  • Right
  • Stretch
HorizontalContentAlignmentSpecifies the horizontal alignment of the control's content. Selections are:
  • Left
  • Center
  • Right
  • Stretch
HorizontalScrollBarVisibilitySpecifies whether a horizontal scroll bar is shown. Selections are:
  • Auto - the scroll bar appears only if the content exceeds the width of the control
  • Disabled - the scroll bar never appears
  • Hidden - the scroll bar is hidden from view
  • Visible - the scroll bar is visible at all times
ImageStretchSpecifies how the image should be stretched to fill the destination rectangle. Selections are:
  • Fill
  • None
  • Uniform
  • UniformToFill
IntervalSpecifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, between increase or decrease commands when you click a Repeat Button or a Slider.
IsCancelSelect this check box to indicate that a Button or Repeat Button acts as a Cancel button. Press the Esc key to select the actual Cancel button.
IsCheckedSelect this check box to indicate that the control is checked.
IsDefaultSelect this check box to indicate that a Button or Repeat Button is the default Submit button. Press the Enter key to select the actual Submit button.
IsDirectionReversedSelect this check box to indicate that the direction of increasing value is reversed; that is, from right to left.
IsDocumentEnabledSelect this check box to indicate that you can interact with UIElement and ContentElement objects within the Rich Text Box.
IsEnabledSelect this check box to indicate that this control is enabled in the user interface (UI).
IsHitTestVisibleSelect this check box to indicate that the control can possibly be returned as a hit test result from some portion of its rendered content.
IsHyphenationEnabledSelect this check box to indicate that automatic hyphenation of words is enabled.
IsIndeterminateSelect this check box to indicate that no actual values display on the progress bar. Clear this check box to display actual values.
IsManipulationEnabledSelect this check box to indicate that the manipulation events for the control are enabled.
IsMoveToPointEnabledSelect this check box to indicate that the thumb of a slider moves immediately to the location of the mouse click that occurs while the mouse pointer pauses on the Slider track.
IsReadOnlySelect this check box to indicate that the text editing control is read-only to a user interacting with the control.
IsReadOnlyCaretVisibleSpecifies whether a read-only text box displays a caret. If the IsReadOnly check box is selected, you can still select and copy text. If the IsReadOnlyCaretVisible check box is also selected, a caret appears in the text box when the text box has keyboard focus. When the IsReadOnly check box is cleared, selecting the IsReadOnlyCaretVisible check box has no effect.
IsSelectionRangeEnabledSelect this check box to indicate that the Slider displays a selection range.
IsSharedSizeScopeSelect this check box to indicate that controls are sharing size information.
IsSnapToTickEnabledSelect this check box to indicate that the Slider automatically moves the thumb to the closest tick mark.
IsTabStopSelect this check box to indicate that a control is included in tab navigation.
IsThreeStateSelect this check box to indicate that the control supports three states; that is, selected, cleared, indeterminate (the control is selected but dimmed).
IsTodayHighlightedSelect this check box to indicate that the current date is highlighted.
IsUndoEnabledSelect this check box to indicate that undo support is enabled for the text-editing control. Clearing this check box clears the undo stack. Therefore, if you disable undo and then re-enable it, undo commands still do not work because the undo stack was emptied when you cleared the check box.
LanguageSpecifies the localization language that applies to an object.
LargeChangeSpecifies a value to be added to or subtracted from the value of a range base control.
LineHeightSpecifies the height of each line of content.
LineStackingStrategySpecifies the mechanism by which a line box is determined for each line of text within the Text Block. Selections are:
  • BlockLineHeight
  • MaxHeight
LocalizationClick the ellipsis button to open the Localization Configuration dialog box where you can configure the property to localize, the language to use for localization, and the text to localize.
MarginSpecifies the outer margin of a control.
MaxHeightSpecifies the maximum height of a control.
MaxLengthSpecifies the maximum length of text that can be entered in the control. When this property is set to 0, the maximum length of the text that can be entered in the control is limited only by available memory.
MaxLinesSpecifies the maximum number of visible lines.
MaxWidthSpecifies the maximum width of a control.
MinHeightSpecifies the minimum height of a control.
MinLinesSpecifies the minimum number of visible lines.
MinWidthSpecifies the minimum width of a control.
NameSpecifies the identifying name of the control. The name provides a reference so that code behind, such as event handler code, can refer to a markup element during processing by a XAML processor.
NavigateUriSpecifies the URI to navigate to when the control is clicked.
OpacitySpecifies the opacity factor applied to the entire control. Valid values are 0 through 1, with up to 15 decimal places.
OpacityMaskExpand this field to select a color for the opacity mask, which is applied to any alpha-channel masking for the rendered content of this control.
OrientationSpecifies the orientation of a control. Selections are:
  • Portrait
  • Landscape
OverridesDefaultStyleSelect this check box to indicate that this control incorporates style properties from theme styles.
PaddingSpecifies the amount of padding to apply to the inside edge of each side of a control.
PasswordCharSpecifies the masking character for the Password Box.
ProjectionSpecifies the 3-D effect to apply to the current object.
RenderTransformOriginSpecifies the center point of any possible render transform, relative to the bounds of the element.
  • X is the horizontal origin factor, given as a value between 0 and 1.
  • Y is the vertical origin factor, given as a value between 0 and 1.
RowSpanSpecifies the total number of rows that child content spans within a grid.
SelectedDateSpecifies the currently selected date.
SelectionBrushExpand this field to select the brush to use to highlight the selected text.
SelectionEndSpecifies the largest value of a specified selection for a slider control. The value of this property cannot be greater than the value of the Maximum property and cannot be less than the value of the Minimum property. The value of this property must also be greater than or equal to the value of the SelectionStart property. If the value of this property is greater than the value of the Maximum property or less than the value of the Minimum property, the value is set to the value of the Maximum or Minimum property respectively.
SelectionModeSpecifies the selection behavior for a List Box or List View control. Selections are:
  • Single Date
  • Single Range
  • Multiple Range
  • None
SelectionStartSpecifies the smallest value of a specified selection for a slider control. The value of this property cannot be less than the value of the Minimum property and cannot be greater than the value of the Maximum property. The value of this property must also be greater than or equal to the value of the SelectionEnd property. If the value of this property is less than the value of the Minimum property or greater than the value of the Maximum property, the value is set to the value of the Minimum or Maximum property respectively.
SelectionOpacitySpecifies the opacity factor applied to the selected text. Valid values are 0 through 1, with up to 15 decimal places. If the value is set to 0, the SelectionBrush is transparent and is not visible. If the value is set to 1.0 or greater, the SelectionBrush is opaque and the selected text is not visible.
ShowGridLinesSelect this check box to indicate that grid lines are visible within this grid.
SmallChangeSpecifies a value to be added to or subtracted from the value of a range base control.
SnapsToDevicePixelsSelect this check box to indicate that rendering for this control uses device-specific pixel settings.
SourceClick the ellipsis button to open the Select an Image dialog box, where you can selec the image to use for the control.
StretchSpecifies how an Image stretches to fill the destination rectangle. Selections are:
  • Fill
  • None (does not apply to Scale Box)
  • Uniform (does not apply to Scale Box)
  • UniformFill (does not apply to Scale Box)
StretchDirectionSpecifies how the image is scaled. Selections are:
  • Vertical
  • Horizontal
StyleSpecifies the style used by this control when it is rendered.
TabIndexSpecifies the order in which controls receive focus when the Tab key is pressed.
TabNavigationSpecifies a value that modifies how tabbing and the TabIndex property work for this control.
TagSpecifies an arbitrary object value that can be used to store custom information about this control.
TargetNameSpecifies the name of the target window or frame that the web page should open in, or the name of the object within the Silverlight application to navigate to.
TemplateClick the ellipsis button to open the Open dialog box to select a template to use.
TextSpecifies the text contents of a control.
TextAlignmentSpecifies the horizontal alignment of text content. Selections are:
  • Left
  • Center
  • Right
  • Justify
TextTrimmingSpecifies the text trimming behavior to employ when content overflows the content area. Selections are:
  • None
  • CharacterEllipsis
  • WordEllipsis
TextWrappingSpecifies how the control wraps text. Selections are:
  • NoWrap
  • Wrap
  • WrapWithOverflow
TickFrequencySpecifies the interval between tick marks.
TickPlacementSpecifies the position of tick marks with respect to the track of the Slider. Selections are:
  • None
  • Both
  • TopLeft
  • BottomRight
ToolTipSpecifies the tool-tip that displays for this control in the user interface (UI).
UidSpecifies the unique identifier (for localization) for this control.
UndoLimitSpecifies the number of actions stored in the undo queue.
UseLayoutRoundingSpecifies a value that determines whether rendering for the object and its visual subtree should use rounding behavior that aligns rendering to whole pixels.
ValueSpecifies the current magnitude of the range control.
VerticalAlignmentSpecifies the vertical alignment characteristics applied to this control. Selections are:
  • Bottom
  • Center
  • Top
  • Stretch
VerticalContentAlignmentSpecifies the vertical alignment of the control's content. Selections are:
  • Bottom
  • Center
  • Top
  • Stretch
VerticalScrollBarVisibilitySpecifies whether a vertical scroll bar is shown. Scroll bar selections are:
  • Auto - appears only if the content exceeds the width of the control.
  • Disabled - never appears.
  • Hidden - hidden from view.
  • Visible - visible at all times.
ViewportSizeSpecifies the amount of the scrollable content that is currently visible. The value of this property is used to calculate the size of the thumb control that is displayed as the sliding value indicator in a scrollbar control. The thumb' control's size represents the amount of a scrollviewer control's content that is visible. For example, if 25 percent of a scrollviewer control's content is visible, the thumb control occupies 25 percent of the track in the scrollbar.
VisiblilitySpecifies the visibility of this control. Selections are:
  • Collapsed
  • Hidden
  • Visible
WidthSpecifies the width of the control, in pixels.