AddRequestMaterialBillItem (IProductionRuntime)

Adds an item as a request material bill item to the request bill of materials (BOM) for the selected work request.

InputsData TypeDescription

Specifies the name of the material requirement to add to the request bill of materials (BOM).

requestMaterialBillItemNameStringSpecifies the name for the new request bill of materials (BOM) item.
requestMaterialBillNameStringSpecifies the name of the request bill of materials (BOM) to add the material specification to.
segmentIdGUIDSpecifies the ID of the segment requirement the material requirement is associated with.
workRequestAddressDirectoryResourceSpecifies the work request to add the request bill of materials (BOM) item to.

OperationsMaterialBillItemAttibutes Returns attributes of the newly added request bill of materials (BOM) item.