AddChildWorkDefinitionSegment (IProductionModel)

Associates a work definition segment as a child of another work definition segment.

You can create a segment hierarchy with a maximum of four levels. A work definition segment can be associated with multiple child segments; however, the association name for each relationship must be unique.
Important: A work definition segment cannot be a child of another work definition segment if it is already a parent to that segment. As well, a work definition segment cannot be a parent to another work definition segment if it is already a child of that segment.

For example, you have two parent segments, named Build Bicycle and Build Tricycle. For Build Bicycle, you have two Build Tire child segments. Even though the child segment being used is the same for both tires, you must provide a unique name to each one of the associations: Front Tire and Rear Tire. The Build Tricycle segment could also have a child segment named Front Tire. Even though the name of the association is the same as Build Bicycle, the association is unique because it is for a different parent segment.

A parent work definition segment can be a container for its child segments, or it can have its own execution steps. You can set the execution order on all levels of work definition segments within a hierarchy.

InputsData TypeDescription
ChildDirectoryResourceSpecifies the child work definition segment you are adding to the selected parent segment.
NameStringSpecifies the name that uniquely identifies the association between the parent and child work definition segments.
Specifies the order of the associated child work definition segment.
Note: We recommend that you define the child segments' order by the execution order; that is, the order in which each child segment will be executed.
ParentDirectoryResourceSpecifies the parent work definition segment you are adding a child segment to.