Specifying the Grace Period

About this task

The grace period allows you specify the number of minutes required to provide for a graceful shutdown of the application and all of its processes when a session is being closed. The Grace Period defaults to a value of 1 minute and should ONLY be changed at the instruction of GE Customer Support personnel.


  1. From the Webspace Administration, in the server tree, select the desired server from the list.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Host Options. The Host Options dialog box appears.
  3. Click the Session Shutdown tab.
  4. Select the Grace period check box.
    Note: Either a Session or Idle time-out must be configured for the Grace period check box to become available.
  5. In the field next to the check box, enter the number of minutes after a logoff that users are able to save files and close applications, and so on.  
  6. Click OK.

    The minimum grace period value is 1 minute, and the maximum value is 15. By default, the grace period is 1 minute.