Customize Login Screen

This topic describes how to customize the Proficy Authentication login screen.

About this task

You can customize the company name, logo, favicon, and include additional text/links to appear on the login screen.


  1. Log in to Configuration Hub.
  2. Go to Proficy Authentication > White Labelling.
    The default login screen details appear.
  3. Use the following fields to customize your login screen.
    A quick preview appears on the DETAILS tab.
    Field Description
    Company Name Name of the company that appears on the login homepage.
    Company Logo Select an image from your local system to upload as company logo.

    Select to remove an existing image.

    Square Logo Select an image from your local system to upload as a favicon, which appears on the browser tab.

    Select to remove an existing image.

    Footer Legal Text Use this space to enter any legal information.
    Footer Links To add hyperlinks, create a label and provide a URL to connect.
    1. Select to add a row.
    2. Enter a label name.
    3. Enter a URL for the label name.
    Select to delete existing labels.
  4. Select Save to save the updates you made to the login screen appearance.
    To undo the saved changes, select Reset. The login screen is reset to the previously saved appearance.
  5. Restart GE Proficy Authentication Tomcat Web Server to apply the changes.