Run Operations Hub Posting Utility

Before you begin

You must have installed the Plant Applications Web Client before you run the Operations Hub Posting utility.

About this task

You must run the utility to import the Plant Applications into Operations Hub.
Note: If Operations Hub is installed on a remote node, you must manually copy the OperationsHub_PostingUtility folder from the Web Client node to the Operations Hub node and then run (run as administrator) the InstallWebComponents.cmd file.


  1. Enterprise Installation: In the directory <Installation_Directory>/OperationsHub_PostingUtility, run (run as administrator) the InstallWebComponents.cmd file.
  2. Standard Installation: Run (run as administrator) the InstallWebComponents.cmd from the Web Client installation path. For example: C:\Program Files\GE Digital\PlantApplicationsWebClient\OperationsHub_PostingUtility.
    A console appears with a prompt to enter the Operations Hub tenant password.

  3. Enter the Operations Hub tenant password and then press Enter.
    You are prompted to enter the UAA Admin Client Secret.

  4. Enter the Client Secret to access the UAA server instance.
    The process may take some time to complete importing the Plant Applications into Operations Hub.