
Metrics and Scorecards: Manage KPIs Workflow

This workflow describes the process of designing, analyzing, and updating Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

In the following workflow diagram, the blue text in a shape indicates that a corresponding description has been provided in the sections that follow the diagram.

StartQuery AnalysisQueryDesign KPISchedule KPIReview KPI ResultsOpportunity Identified?Manage Performance Recommendations


Persona: Analyst

This process will create a KPI by applying standard data analysis techniques to evaluate the success of reaching targets, and initiate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Query Analysis

Persona: Analyst

The Predix Essentials query created for the analysis can be used as a data source for a KPI.

Refer to the Query Analysis workflow for more information.


Persona: Analyst

The Predix Essentials Query that will serve as a data source for the Key Performance Indicator (KPI).

Design KPI

Persona: Analyst

Design a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) to display specific data from a Predix Essentials Query that satisfies a specific business need. Measures are used to create KPIs.

Schedule KPI

Persona: Analyst

Schedule the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) to run at a particular date and time, either once or on a repeating basis, to update KPI measures. Add the recipients to whom the KPI updates will be sent.

Review KPI Results

Persona: Analyst

Analyze the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) measure. The KPI query can identify bad actors or high impact failures for further analysis. If needed, you can add the KPI as a dashboard widget. As a dashboard widget, the KPIs will be easily accessible and will provide users with a comprehensive view of data.

Opportunity Identified?

Persona: Analyst

Review a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) to determine if there is an opportunity or need for improvement. If such an opportunity is determined to exist, then a Performance Recommendation is raised to communicate the need and track the required work. Otherwise, the workflow ends.

Manage Performance Recommendations

Persona: Analyst

If an opportunity or need for improvement is identified from a KPI, then raise a Performance Recommendation to communicate and track the required work.

Refer to the Manage Performance Recommendations workflow documentation.

Metrics and Scorecards: Manage Scorecards Workflow

This workflow describes the process for designing and analyzing Scorecards.

In the following workflow diagram, the blue text in a shape indicates that a corresponding description has been provided in the sections that follow the diagram.

StartManage KPIsKPIDesign ScorecardView ScorecardOpportunity Identified?Manage Performance Recommendations


Persona: Analyst

This process will measure the business Perspectives and Objectives that result from adding Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to the Scorecard, and initiate Scorecard.


Persona: Analyst

The KPI from the existing repository that will be added as an Objective to the Scorecard.

Design Scorecard

Persona: Analyst

Design a Scorecard to display specific KPIs from the existing KPI repository. The user can assign View privileges for a Scorecard.

View Scorecard

Persona: Analyst

Analyze the perspective and objectives of a Scorecard. The KPIs in a Scorecard can identify bad actors or high impact failures for further analysis. If needed, you can add the Scorecard as a homepage.

Opportunity Identified?

Persona: Analyst

Review a Scorecard to determine if there is an opportunity or need for improvement. If such an opportunity is determined to exist, then a Performance Recommendation is raised to communicate the need and track the required work. Otherwise, the workflow ends.

Manage Performance Recommendations

Persona: Analyst

If an opportunity or need for improvement is identified in Scorecard, then raise a Performance Recommendation to communicate and track the required work.

Refer to the Manage Performance Recommendations workflow documentation.