Dashboard Views

About Dashboard Views

Dashboard views allow you to add and display cards in the card library, which in turn allow you to add, display, and configure widgets associated with an asset context.

Dashboards are categorized by asset instance or class. Asset instances are associated with a class, where class is a generalized category of assets and instance is a specific asset. For example, an asset instance might be a specific GE turbine, whereas the associated class might be all GE turbines. You can designate a dashboard view as an instance, a class, or none. When you designate a dashboard view as a class, selecting an asset context (asset instance) that is part of the class displays the dashboard.

You can add a new dashboard using the Dashboard browser by selecting Create New. Once created, you change the name of the dashboard view, designate the dashboard view as an instance, a class, or none, designate the dashboard view as a public or private dashboard, set the permissions for the dashboard or display the dashboard summary card for the dashboard view, and save the dashboard. You can also enable asset filtering for the dashboards, or time filtering at the dashboard level.

Selecting on a dashboard view accesses options that allow you to:
  • Add new cards to a dashboard view.
  • Refresh or pause data for the widgets on the selected view.
  • Set the current view as the default dashboard for the asset instance or classification.
  • Export dashboard images with data as a PDF.
  • Set the current dashboard as a favorite, allowing you to access the dashboard in My Favorites menu on the navigation bar.
  • Does not apply to Predix Essentials: Make the current dashboard the home dashboard.
  • View all your dashboards under the All Dashboards menu.
  • Configure the Dashboard Summary card.
  • Filter by time span.
  • Filter by asset.
  • Modify an existing dashboard view.
  • Delete an existing dashboard view.
    Note: Deleting a dashboard deletes all the associated cards and widgets and cannot be undone.
  • Return to dashboard browser.

Access the Dashboard Browser

Accessing the Dashboard Browser is the first step in managing your dashboards.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Essentials > GE Dashboards.

    In the Predix Essentials module navigation menu, navigate to Dashboard.

  2. Optional: Select All Dashboards in the page heading to display a list of all available dashboards.
  3. Optional: Use the filters at the top of the dashboard list to refine the list.

Add the First Dashboard to an Asset Context

If no dashboard has been configured for an asset selected through the Context Browser, you can add a dashboard to the selected asset.


  1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
  2. Use the Context Browser to select an asset context.
  3. Select Add Dashboard.
    The Create New page appears. You can continue your configuration.

Create, Modify, and Delete Dashboards

Once created, you can modify or delete dashboards that are associated with an asset instance, asset classification, or no classification.

About This Task

You can customize your asset view by creating a new dashboard in the Dashboards module.


  • To add a dashboard:
    1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
    2. Select Create New.
    3. Specify the following information:
      TitleEnter the name for the new dashboard. There are no restrictions for naming a dashboard. Check your view names for duplicate entries to prevent confusion.
      Description TagsSpecify a description for the tags. These can be used later to search for the dashboard in the Dashboard browser by the creator of the dashboard or users of that dashboard.
      Available ForSelect one of the following options:
      • Public - you can create a public dashboard available to all.
      • Private - you can create a private dashboard with view only access.
      Available ToSelect the drop-down arrow, and then select the option. The options are as follows:
      • Choose a Context - Once the context has been chosen and the asset instance selected to which classification it belongs to, then the classification name appears as an option in the drop-down list. To enable it, you must set the dashboard as a classification level dashboard.
      • None
      Dashboard SummarySelect Dashboard Summary, and enable toggle.
      PermissionsSelect the different permissions as it relates to: Visibility, Privileges, and Ownership.
      Visibility tabSelect the Visibility tab, and then select the check box next to each enterprise that you want to add permission for.
      Privileges tabWhen none of the user groups are selected, viewer access is provided to all the users having access to the selected enterprise. When one or more user groups are selected, viewer access is provided to users of the selected user group. The privilege can be changed for editor access, too.
      • Select Privileges, and then select the check box next to the name.
      • Select Viewer, and then select Editor or Viewer.
      Ownership tabOwnership bestows one or more users with the abilities of an editor as well as the power to extend template permissions to others or to delete the template.
      • Select Ownership, and then select the radio button next to one of the following options:
        • Anyone
        • You
        • Group
      • Select Apply.
      Filter By Time SpanMove the span to the right to enable it.
    4. Select Save to add the new dashboard to your view.
    The new dashboard appears in the Dashboard browser. You can now add a card.
  • To modify the current dashboard:
    1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
    2. Select a dashboard from the table.
    3. Select , and then select Edit Dashboard.
    4. Modify the settings as needed.
    5. Select Save to save the changes to your dashboard.
  • To delete a dashboard:
    1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
    2. Select a Dashboard from the table.
    3. Select next to the dashboard, and then select Continue to confirm.
      Important: Deleting a dashboard removes its cards, widgets, and configurations. This cannot be undone.
  • To delete the current dashboard:
    1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
    2. Select a Dashboard from the table.
      Note: You cannot delete a dashboard that is currently set as the home dashboard, which is indicated by next to its name. To delete such a dashboard, you must first set another dashboard as the home dashboard (see the Set the Home Dashboard documentation), and then delete the dashboard. This note does not apply to Predix Essentials.
    3. Select , select Delete Dashboard, and then select OK.
      Important: Deleting a dashboard removes its cards, widgets, and configurations. This cannot be undone.

Designate the Dashboard Availability

About This Task

When you create a dashboard, you can set the availability of the dashboard. This allows you to set the context of the dashboard as if it belongs to an asset instance, an asset classification, or to no classification.


  • To designate dashboard availability to the asset instances associated with an asset class:
    1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
    2. Use the Context Browser to select an asset context, or select a dashboard.
    3. Select , and then select Edit Dashboard.
    4. Select Available to, and then select one of the following options.
      Table 1. Allowable Actions by Other Users
      Selecting thisAllows users to
      Just <instance>Access the dashboard for the asset instance only.
      <class>Access the dashboard for the related asset instances that belong to the asset class.
      NoneThis dashboard can be used with any asset instance.
    5. Select Save to save the changes to your dashboard.
  • To set the visibility of the dashboard:
    1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
    2. Use the Context Browser to select an asset context, or select a dashboard.
    3. Select , and then select Edit Dashboard.
    4. Select Available for, and then select one of the following options:
      Table 2. Allowable Actions by Other Users
      Selecting thisAllows other users to
      • Users can change the dashboard name.
      • Administrators can change the dashboard name and add cards to the dashboard.
      • Users cannot access the dashboard.
      • Administrators can change the dashboard name and add cards to the dashboard.
    5. Select Save to save the changes to your dashboard.

Assign and Remove a Default Dashboard for an Asset

When you select an asset instance or asset class in the Context Browser, the default dashboard for that asset type appears. You can assign a configured view as default for the selected asset type.

About This Task

The default dashboard for an asset instance or asset classification allows you to navigate to a specific dashboard when you want to view the asset instance or asset classification, and is also used to navigate from Cases to Dashboards.
You can create default dashboards for both an asset instance and an asset class using different views. Dashboard views use the following default sequences in the View Selector:
Table 3. Dashboard Display Order
Default asset instanceDefault asset instance is displayed first, followed by additional views in chronological order.
Default asset instance and default asset classDefault asset instance is displayed first, followed by default asset class, then additional views in chronological order.
Default asset classDefault asset class is displayed first, followed by additional views in chronological order.
No default dashboardsViews are displayed in chronological order.


  • To assign a default dashboard for an asset:
    1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
    2. Use the Context Browser to select an asset context.
    3. Select Dashboard from the context browser.
    4. Select , and then select Set as Default Dashboard:
      • Just <instance> – Make the dashboard available as the default for the current asset instance.
      • All <classification>s – Makes the dashboard available as the default for all asset instances associated with the asset class.
    A message appears confirming the change. When you navigate to the asset, the selected dashboard appears. You can still use the View Selector to select any other configured dashboards available for the selected asset.
  • To remove a default dashboard from an asset:
    1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
    2. Select , and then select the checked item under Set as Default for.

Set a Favorite Dashboard

You can set favorite dashboards to make them accessible with a single select.


  • To set a favorite dashboard:
    1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
    2. Use the Context Browser to select an asset context.
    3. Select Dashboard from the Context Browser.
    4. Select , and then select Set as Favorite Dashboard.
      If you select List again, then the Set as Favorite Dashboard check box is selected.
      The selected dashboard is available in Favorites in the navigation bar.
  • To remove a favorite dashboard setting:
    1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
    2. Select My Favorites, and then select the Dashboard from the Context Browser.
    3. Select , and then clear the Set as Favorite Dashboard check box.
      The dashboard is removed in the Favorites section in the navigation bar.
  • To remove a favorite dashboard in one step:
    1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
    2. Select My Favorites, and select , and then select .

Set the Home Dashboard

The home dashboard is the first display that appears when Predix Essentials opens.

You can set the home dashboard from the dashboard browser or from the dashboard menu.

Note: The feature described in this topic is not available in Predix Essentials.

Dashboard Browser

The dashboard browser enables you to set the home dashboard from the list of dashboards displayed in My Favorites or All Dashboards.


  1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
  2. Select next to the name of a dashboard.
    The Caution window appears.
  3. Select Apply.


The selected dashboard is now the home dashboard, indicated by next to the dashboard name in the dashboard browser.

What To Do Next

Select the tab to access the new home dashboard.

Dashboard Menu

The dashboard menu includes the option of setting a dashboard as the home dashboard. The menu is available when a dashboard is open in a tab.


  1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
  2. Open a dashboard by selecting its name in the dashboard browser.
    Note: General Dashboards can be opened from the list of dashboards in All Dashboards. For information on setting General Dashboards as the home dashboard, see the Overview of General Dashboards documentation.
  3. Select to access the dashboard menu.
  4. Select Set as Home Dashboard.
    The Caution window appears.
  5. Select Apply.


The selected dashboard is now the home dashboard.

Copy a Dashboard

Copy a dashboard to create a duplicate that can be customized to provide new asset monitoring capabilities.

About This Task

A copy of a dashboard includes the cards, widgets, tags, tag expressions, availability, metadata — everything except permissions — of the original dashboard. Default permissions are applied to dashboard copies.

Copies of instance-level, class-level, and contextless dashboards are the same type as the dashboard from which they were copied, with one exception: if an asset context has been selected for a contextless dashboard, the copy of the contextless dashboard becomes an instance-level dashboard.

You can copy any dashboard (other than General Dashboards), including those you do not have permission to modify. The copy will be modifiable.

Note: Users with view-only permission do not have access to this feature.


  1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
  2. Open the dashboard that you want to copy by selecting its name in the dashboard browser.
    Note: General Dashboards can be opened from the list of dashboards in All Dashboards. This feature does not apply to General Dashboards.
  3. Select to access the dashboard menu.
  4. Select Save As New Dashboard.
    The Caution window appears.
  5. Select Apply.
    A copy of the dashboard is created. The copy is given the same name as the original with "(copy)" appended; for example, My Favorite Dashboard (copy). The original dashboard is closed, and the copy is opened.

What To Do Next

To rename the copy or modify its permissions, see the Create, Modify, and Delete Dashboards documentation.

Export a Dashboard

You can export a dashboard using a PDF to save the cards and widgets.

About This Task

You can export images of the cards and widgets in a dashboard view to a single-page PDF oriented in portrait format so you can create a report or for further analysis of the data.


  1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
  2. Use the Context Browser to select an asset.
  3. Select Dashboard from the Context Browser.
  4. Select , and then select Export Dashboard as PDF.
    The card and widget images are saved as a PDF on your local drive.

Enable or Disable Filter by Asset

About This Task

You can filter the dashboards by asset type.


  1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
  2. Select a dashboard from the Context Browser.
  3. Select , and then select Edit Dashboard.
  4. To enable the filter, in the Card Library, move to the right.
  5. To disable the filter, in the Card Library, move to the left.
  6. Select Save to save the changes to your dashboard.

Enable or Disable Filter by Time Span

About This Task

You can enable or disable the filter dashboards by time span.


  1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
  2. Select a dashboard from the Context Browser.
  3. Select , and then select Edit Dashboard.
  4. To enable the filter, in the Card Library, move to the right.
  5. To disable the filter, in the Card Library, move to the left.
  6. Select Save to save the changes to your dashboard.