Dashboard Cards

About Dashboard Cards

Cards add features to your dashboard.

Each default card contains functional widgets, some of which can be customized for your site needs.

The six-widget default Overview card contains:
  • Two Generic Graph widgets.
  • One Ambient Conditions widget.
  • One Monitoring & Diagnostics widget.
  • One Open Cases widget.
  • One Unclaimed Alerts widget.

Custom cards require you to configure the layout and add widgets in the widget library.

In each card, you can:
  • Add and update the configuration for widgets by modifying the card.
  • Save the card to the card library.
  • Access Time Control for the card.
  • Rearrange the card order in the view.
  • Delete a card.
When you modify a card, you can add multiple rows of widgets. This allows you to customize the look of the card. There are three row layouts available:
  • A single widget in a row.
  • Two widgets in a row.
  • Three widgets in a row.

Add and Delete Cards on a Dashboard

You can customize your dashboard by adding one or more cards in the card library.

About This Task

You can preview a card layout in the card library prior to adding it.

You can modify only one card at a time. You cannot select or navigate to another page when actively modifying a card. Actions for other cards on the view are disabled until you save or cancel the modifiers for the current card.

Cards can be added in the card library:
  • When creating a new dashboard.
  • To an existing dashboard.
  • At the preview screen.


  • To add a card to a new dashboard:
    1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
    2. Select Card Library.
    3. Select Add New Card for a layout.
      You also can select Preview for the layout, and then select Add.
      Note: You can add multiple cards to a dashboard at once.
    4. Select OK on the success message window, and then select Done.
      The selected card layout appears on your dashboard.
    5. Select Actions, and then select Edit Card.
    6. Select Layout Name, enter the name of your new card, and then select Save.
      You can now configure the widgets on your card.
  • To add a card to an existing dashboard:
    1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
    2. Use the Context Browser to select an asset context.
    3. Select a dashboard from the Context Browser.
    4. Select , and then select Add New Card.
      The Card Library appears.
    5. Select Add for a layout.
      You also can select Preview for the layout, and then select Add.
    6. Select OK, and then select Done.
      The selected card layout is added to your dashboard.
    7. Select Actions, and then select Edit Card.
    8. Select the Layout Name box, enter the name of your new card, and then select Save.
      You can now configure the widgets on your card.
  • To delete the current card, select Actions, select Delete Card, and then select OK.
    Important: Deleting a card permanently deletes all the widgets on the card.

Add and Hide a Dashboard Summary Card

You can add and hide a dashboard summary card with layout.

About This Task

Dashboard summary cards allow you to add widgets to layout tiles to help track statistics pertinent to the selected dashboard. Hiding a dashboard summary card does not delete the widgets or change the layout.


  • To hide a dashboard summary card:
    1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
    2. Use the Context Browser to select an asset context.
    3. Select a dashboard from the Context Browser.
    4. Select , and then select Edit Dashboard.
    5. In the Card Library, move to the right.
      The dashboard summary card is hidden.
    6. Select Save, and then select Done to save your changes.
  • To add a dashboard summary card:
    1. Use the Context Browser to select an asset context.
    2. Select a dashboard that contains a dashboard summary card.
    3. Select , and then select Edit Dashboard.
    4. In the Card Library, move to the left.
    5. Select Save to save your changes.

What To Do Next

You are ready to add tiles and widgets to the dashboard summary card.

Create a Custom Card

You can design a card layout based on your needs and add it to a dashboard.

Before You Begin

Make sure that you have created a dashboard view.

About This Task

Custom cards allow you to add one to three columns per row, and an unlimited number of rows. However, you should limit the number of rows to three or four to maintain readability. Adding columns and rows changes the layout and affects the sizing of the widget tiles when added to the layout. You can add multiple custom cards to a view.

You can access cross-tenant asset resources that have been assigned to you. When selecting a an asset context, these resources are available for selection. If the resource you need is unavailable, contact your administrator.


  • To add a custom card to a view:
    1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
    2. Use the Context Browser to select an asset context.
    3. Select Create New.
    4. Select Custom Card, and then select Add.
    5. Enter the title for the card.
    6. In the View Selector, select a view.
    7. Select , and then select Add New Card.
    8. In the Card Library, select Add for Custom Card.
    9. In the custom configuration page, enter a name for your card in the Name box.
    10. Select Save.
      The custom card begins with one column and one row. A blank custom card layout appears on your dashboard.
    11. When finished, select Done.
  • To add columns to a custom card:
    1. In the Actions drop-down list box on your custom card, select Edit Card.
    2. Hover over the right border of the card, and then select .
      You can add up to three columns per row.
    3. When finished, select Save, and then select Done.
  • To add rows to a custom card:
    1. In the Actions drop-down list box on your custom card, select Edit Card.
    2. Hover over the bottom border of the card, and then select .
    3. When finished, select Save, and then select Done.
  • To remove a widget tile, hover over the tile, then select X.
    The remaining widget tiles adjust to fill the space. If you remove all widget tiles in a row, the row is removed.

What To Do Next

You are ready to add widgets to your custom card.

Arrange Cards on a Dashboard

Arrange multiple cards on a dashboard into the order you want.

About This Task

You can change the order of cards on a dashboard.


  1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
  2. Use the Context Browser to select an asset.
  3. Select a dashboard that has multiple cards.
  4. Select Action for a card on the dashboard, and then select Move Card Up or Move Card Down.
    The selected card moves up or down relative to other cards on the dashboard according to your selection.

Save a Card to the Card Library

You can save a card to the card library as a template that is reusable, or a fixed context card.

Before You Begin

Make sure that you have created and configured the layout for a card in a dashboard. If you are saving a fixed context card, make sure you have configured the widgets as well.

About This Task

Cards saved as a template can be blank, with no widgets assigned. You can then assign widgets when configuring the card. Cards saved as templates do not save context or data. However, cards saved as fixed context save both to the card.


  1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
  2. Use the Context Browser to select an asset context.
  3. Select a view.
  4. In the card, select Action, and then select Save to Card Library.
  5. In the Upload section:
    1. Enter a name in the Title box if needed.
    2. Enter a description of the card attributes and its purpose in the Description box.
    3. Select Template or Fixed Context, and then select Save.
      The selected card is saved to the Card Library.

Modify and Delete Cards in the Card Library

You can modify and delete cards that have been saved to the card library.


  • To modify cards in the card library:
    1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
    2. Select Card Library.
    3. Select next to the card, and then select Edit Card.
    4. Make your changes.
      Note: You cannot modify template or fixed context selections.
    5. Select Update to propagate your changes.
  • To delete cards in the card library:
    1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
    2. Select Card Library.
    3. Select next to the card, and then select Delete Card.
    4. Select OK to remove the card in the card library.
      Important: This action cannot be undone.
      Deleting cards in the card library does not affect cards already being used in dashboards.

Export a Card

You can export a card as a PDF to save widget images and data.

About This Task

You can export images of the widgets and their data on a card in a dashboard view to a single-page PDF oriented in portrait format.

The following widget types are exportable:
  • Ambient Conditions
  • Open Cases
  • Unclaimed Alerts and Events
  • Generic Graph Widget
  • Interactive Graph Widget
  • Monitoring & Diagnostics


  1. Access the Dashboard Browser.
  2. Use the Context Browser to select an asset.
  3. Select a dashboard.
  4. Select , and then select Export Card as PDF.
    The card and widget images are saved as a PDF on your local drive.
  5. Select Action, and then select Export Card To PDF.
    The widget images and data are saved to a PDF on your local drive.