Select Asset Applicability for Analytics

In this section, you will find information on selecting the asset applicability for the analytic deployment.

Select Assets for Deployment

Selecting assets for deployment configures asset applicability for your deployment.

Before You Begin

  • Use the Asset Filters link on the navigation menu to create asset filters that can be applied on the Asset Selection tab.
  • Make sure you have added and named the deployment.

About This Task

During asset applicability configuration, Predix Essentials allows you to:
  • Select assets from a list of available equipment templates. This option is only available for tenants that are configured to support selection through equipment templates.
  • Select from all the assets available in the enterprise.
  • Select the assets within an asset filter.
  • Select a subset of the assets within an asset filter.
  • Search for asset attributes to modify asset filter sets.
  • Create a new asset filter.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Analytics > Deployments.
  2. Select a deployment in the list to access it.
  3. Choose a method for selecting assets for deployment.
  4. Select Next or the I/O Mapping tab.


The assets selected for deployment are saved.

What To Do Next

Do one or more of the following tasks:

Apply an Asset Filter to the Deployment

Use an Asset Filter to apply assets to your deployment.

Before You Begin

Make sure you have added and named the deployment.

About This Task

Use the predefined filters in the Asset Filters box to select the asset applicability for the deployment. You can search for asset attributes that will further narrow your asset filter selection.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Analytics > Deployments.
  2. Select an existing deployment to access its workspace.
  3. In the page heading, select Edit to access the 1. Asset Selection section.
  4. Select the Asset Filter box, and then select an asset filter in the list.
  5. Optional: Enter characters in the Search box.
    You can enter multiple search criteria to narrow your search results. Each key-value pair represents a single search criterion. You can select the X on the search text to remove it from the list.
    Suggestions are provided as you enter characters. Select an attribute from the suggestions. Enter an equal to (=) operator and a value to search (for example, Asset Type=21000) and then press Enter to add the search criterion.
  6. Select Search.
    If multiple search keywords are used in the Search box, then the and operator is used to filter results. Only results matching all search criteria are listed. Remove search criteria to widen the search.
    Search results are a subset of the already applied asset filter that you previously selected.
  7. Select Next or the 2. I/O Mapping tab.


The assets selected for deployment are saved.

What To Do Next

Do one or more of the following tasks:

Apply Assets from Equipment Template

You can select assets from a list of available equipment templates.

Before You Begin

This procedure assumes that the following prerequisites tasks have been completed.

  • You have uploaded the required assets, tags, equipment templates, and time series data required for this analytic.
  • Your tenant has been configured to support asset selection through equipment templates.
  • You have the required access permissions to manage analytics on the selected runtime for your tenant.
  • You have added and configured the analytic template and/or orchestration in the analytics catalog.
  • You have created a deployment.

About This Task

Selecting the equipment template for deployment allows you to access tags and attributes for that equipment template during the I/O Mapping step in deployment. Such deployments will be created for each asset instance within the selected and filtered equipment template.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Analytics > Deployments.
  2. In the Search pane, select an existing deployment to access its workspace.
  3. In the page heading, select Edit to access the 1. Asset Selection section.
  4. Select a value in the Equipment Template box.
  5. Optional: Select a value in the Asset Filter box to further filter the list.
    Note: The selected filter must be of the same asset classification type as configured within the selected equipment template to produce results. If the selected filter and equipment template have mismatched asset types, no results will appear.

    A table of the available assets included in the selected equipment template appears. All assets in the result set are selected for deployment. During runtime, analytics will run on all assets selected in this procedure. You cannot manually remove the applicability but can filter further to narrow your result set.

  6. Optional: After selecting an asset filter, select Search.
    Note: In this step during deployment, the Search box is disabled. You cannot further filter results using the keyword search after selecting an equipment template.
  7. Select Next or the 2. I/O Mapping tab.


The assets selected for deployment are saved.

What To Do Next

Do one or more of the following tasks:

Apply a Subset of an Asset Filter to a Deployment

You can select a subset of an Asset Filter to apply to a deployment.

Before You Begin

Make sure you have added and named the deployment.

About This Task

Instead of creating a new Asset Filter for deploying assets, you can use an existing Asset Filter to select only the assets needed for the deployment. You can search for asset attributes that will further narrow your asset filter selection.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Analytics > Deployments.
  2. In the Search pane, select an existing deployment to access its workspace.
  3. In the page heading, select Edit to access the 1. Asset Selection section.
  4. Select the Asset Filter box, and then select an asset filter in the list.
  5. Optional: Enter characters in the Search box.
    You can enter multiple search criteria to narrow your search results. Each key-value pair represents a single search criteria. You can select the X on the search text to remove it from the list.
    Suggestions are provided as you enter characters. Select an attribute from the suggestions. Enter an equal to (=) operator and a value to search (for example, Asset Type=21000) and then press Enter to add the search criterion.
  6. Select Search.
    If multiple search keywords are used in the Search box, then the and operator is used to filter results. Only results matching all search criteria are listed. Remove search criteria to widen the search.
    Search results are a subset of the already applied asset filter that you previously selected.
  7. Enter characters in the Search box to find assets.
    Assets results are provided as you enter characters.
  8. Perform any of the following optional steps:
    To do thisDo this
    Change the number of asset results per pageSelect a value in the Rows per page box to display more or less results. The maximum number of results per page is 20.
    Navigate between pages of the asset resultsIf the number of results exceed the maximum page display, the results are distributed across multiple pages. Use the page number link or the arrow links to navigate between pages.
  9. Do one of the following:
    • Clear the Select All box before the Name column to deselect all assets in the filter, then select the check boxes for the assets you want to include. As you make choices, the number of selections appear above the table. You can choose up to twenty assets before proceeding to the next step.
    • Clear the check boxes for assets you want to exclude. As you clear the check boxes, the number of selections appearing above the table decreases.
      Note: You can search for assets by entering at least three characters into the Search box. Assets results are provided as you enter characters.
  10. Select Next or the 2. I/O Mapping tab.


The assets selected for deployment are saved.

What To Do Next

Do one or more of the following tasks:

Apply Assets from the Enterprise to a Deployment

You can select assets from all the available assets in an enterprise to apply to a deployment.

About This Task

Use the Asset Filter to apply only the assets needed within the enterprise for the deployment. You can search for asset attributes that will further narrow your asset filter selection.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Analytics > Deployments.
  2. In the Search pane, select an existing deployment to access its workspace.
  3. In the page heading, select Edit to access the 1. Asset Selection section.
  4. Select the 1. Asset Selection tab.
  5. Select the Asset Filter box and select All Assets in the list.
    A table of the available assets included in the enterprise appears.
  6. Optional: Enter characters in the Search box to find asset attributes specific to the selected asset filter, then select Search.
    Suggestions are provided as you enter characters.
  7. Do one of the following:
    • Clear the check box before the Name column to clear all selection, then select the check boxes for the assets you want to include. As you make choices, the number of selections appear above the table. You can choose up to 200 assets before proceeding to the next step.
    • Clear the check boxes for assets you want to exclude. As you clear the check boxes, the number of selections appearing above the table decreases.
      Note: You can search for assets by entering at least three characters into the Search box. Assets results are provided as you enter characters.
  8. Perform any of the following optional steps:
    To do thisDo this
    Access only the selected assets in the tableSelect the <number> Selected link above the table. To return to the full table, select Add Assets.
    Access all the available assets for the asset filterSelect the Display Assets link above the table.
    Collapse the asset selection tableSelect the Hide All link above the table.
  9. Select Next or the 2. I/O Mapping tab.


The assets selected for deployment are saved.

What To Do Next

Do one or more of the following tasks: