Manage Analytic Deployments

About Analytics Deployments

You can create, configure, schedule, and execute analytic deployments that will be used to trigger events used by Alerts.

A successful deployment pushes the deployment configuration files to the cloud, and the analytic is run as scheduled or on-demand.

An analytic deployment requires the following general steps. Complete each step before proceeding.
Asset Selection
Select the target assets for the analytic deployment.
I/O Mapping
Map inputs and outputs in your analytic template definitions to ingested asset tags. Add constants in the selected analytic runtime. Add an alert template name that will use the analytic to trigger alerts.
Schedule ongoing analytic runs, or run an analytic on-demand.
Access, modify, and validate your selections.

Add a Deployment

You can add a deployment configuration to deployments prior to configuring and scheduling.

Before You Begin

  • Make sure you have ingested assets into the system with all the required tags and attributes needed for I/O mapping.
  • For each analytic being deployed to a set of assets, make sure you have added the template to the catalog, and that you have defined the analytic inputs, constants, outputs, and output events as needed to run the analytic.
    Note: Not all analytic deployments will need constants and output events.


  1. Select one of the following ways to add a deployment.
    • In the Deployments page:
    1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Analytics > Deployments.
    2. In the heading, select .
    • In the Orchestrations page:
    1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Analytics > Orchestrations.
    2. In the Search pane, select an orchestration to access its workspace.
    3. In the workspace of the selected orchestration, select the Deployments tab.
    4. In the DEPLOYMENTS subsection, select .
    • In the Analytics Templates page:
    1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Analytics > Analytics Templates.
    2. In the Search pane, select an analytic template to access its workspace.
    3. In the workspace of the selected analytic template, select the Deployments tab.
    4. In the DEPLOYMENTS subsection, select .
  2. In the New Deployment window, select one of the following:
    • Analytic Template
    • Orchestration
    These choices are not available when adding a deployment directly to a selected analytic template or orchestration.
  3. Enter a unique deployment name in the Deployment Name box.
    Note: Make sure you enter a unique name. The system checks for duplicates.
  4. Enter the name that you want to use for the deployment in the Template Name box.
    Note: This field will be pre-populated with the template or orchestration name depending on where you initiate the deployment creation. If pre-populated, you cannot modify the value.
  5. Optional: To apply a different version of the analytic template than the default version, select a version in the Template Version drop-down list box.
    Note: This option is only available for deployments of the analytic template, not for orchestrations. The box is disabled if only one version of the template artifact is present in the catalog.

Search and Filter Deployments

Perform this task to search for related deployments by asset ID or filter by deployment or analytic template name.

Before You Begin

You have access to analytic deployments. You have at least one available deployment.

About This Task

If you want to narrow the list of deployments or find deployments that are applicable to a specific asset, you can use the search and filter option available on the Deployments page. You must have a valid Asset ID before using it in the search. The Asset ID is usually the asset instance or entity's source key. If the Asset ID belongs to an asset that has one or more attributes that were used to define an asset filter, then all deployments that uses that asset filter appear as the query result.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Analytics > Deployments.
  2. Enter an Asset ID in the Enter an Asset ID box.
    The Asset ID entered must exist in the system and must match exactly. Use of partial keywords or use of wild cards in the search are not supported.
    Results are provided with deployments that uses that asset, or deployments that uses an asset filter that has one or more attributes as that asset. If the asset does not exist then the message Asset Not Found appears.
  3. Optional: Enter characters in the Search deployments box to narrow the number of deployments displayed.
    Results are provided as you enter characters. Result matches for the search text contained within the Name or Template columns appear. For example, if you searched for the text turbine, then deployments that have the Analytics Template name or Deployment name containing turbine will appear.
  4. Optional: Perform any of the following optional steps:
    To do thisDo this
    Change the number of results per pageSelect a value in the Rows per page box to display more or less results. The maximum number of results per page is 20.
    Navigate between pages of resultsIf the number of results exceed the maximum page display, the results are distributed across multiple pages. Use the page number link or the arrow links to navigate between pages.

Delete a Deployment

You can delete a deployment you created if it is no longer needed. Consider changing the deployment schedule instead of deleting it. Deleting a deployment cannot be undone.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Analytics > Deployments.
  2. In the Search pane, select an existing deployment to access its workspace.
  3. In the workspace of the selected deployment, select the Delete button.
  4. In the Delete Deployment window, select Force Delete, and then select Submit to delete the deployment and its configuration.

Deployment Statuses

List of possible deployment configuration and job deployment statuses.

Application Analytics maintains the status of the analytic deployment staging in the runtime engine. If staging in the analytic runtime fails, you will see Failed in the Status column on the Deployments page. You can also see the last time the deployment was saved in the Last Updated column.

The following possible outcomes to the staging process can be viewed in the Deployments page:

Not Deployed
The deployment was created but is not ready to be staged in the configured runtime for execution.
In Progress
Analytic artifact you uploaded is staged in the configured analytic runtime ready for running the deployment.
A back-end issue such as a network interruption has occurred. Return to the Review section and try again.
Run Once
The deployment is validated and pushed to the cloud, where it is running. In the Search pane of the Analytics Templates page, you will see the date the deployment was last updated next to the analytic name.
Analytic artifact you uploaded is staged in the configured analytic runtime ready for running at the scheduled interval as configured in the deployment.
Note: In the Deployments section of the Analytics Templates page, status messages are displayed next to the deployment name in the Current Deployments subsection.