Manage Analytic Iterations within an Orchestration

About Iterations

Use iterations to apply the execution of the analytics algorithmic techniques multiple times (repeatedly) within the same step of the orchestration.

Iterations, or repeated executions, occur in parallel with each other, with each execution utilizing a specific set of inputs that the user will configure in the 2. I/O Mapping section in the deployment.

Iterations allow you to use I/O mapping to add mapping or copy a data flow step. You are able to:
  • View the number of iterations and navigate between them.
  • Map inputs for selected assets to tags.
  • Edit constant values.
  • Map outputs for selected assets to tags.

You can view the number of iterations associated with an analytic step in the 2. I/O Mapping section of deployments. The Data Flow pane displays the analytic steps in the orchestration and its iterations in a tree view. The Data Flow pane may be hidden. To access this pane, select to expand it or select to collapse it. Adding iterations is applicable to orchestration deployments.

The inputs and outputs for the iterations are mapped in the same way as the other I/O mappings. Some inputs, or outputs allow you to change the Unit of Measure. When mapping, you cannot use asset tags that do not match the Unit of Measure selected. Inputs, constant values, and selections for outputs can be edited for the iteration.

The asset tag and asset hierarchy tag list provides available asset tags based on the applicability defined in the orchestration.

Iterations apply only in the context of the selected orchestration deployment and step.

Add an Iteration to an Analytic Step

Add an iteration when you want to apply the execution of the analytic algorithmic techniques for the analytic multiple times (repeatedly) within the same step of the orchestration, with each additional execution utilizing a specific set of inputs. In adding an iteration, you must map all the inputs and outputs specifically for the new iteration.

About This Task

Input and output mappings are blank when you add an iteration. You must map all inputs and outputs for the new iteration.

When you add an iteration to an existing orchestration deployment, previously deployed analytics are not affected. You must redeploy the orchestration to change any existing deployments.
Note: Consider creating an additional deployment for the orchestration rather than modifying an existing deployment.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Analytics > Deployments.
  2. Select an existing deployment to access its workspace.
  3. In the page heading, select Edit to access the deployment.
  4. Select the 2. I/O Mapping tab.
  5. Select to expand the DATA FLOW pane.
  6. Select the button next to the analytic step node. For example, if you want to add an iteration to Analytic_Wind_Throughput, select next to it.
  7. Enter the iteration name in the box that appears, and then select to add it to the analytic step node.
  8. Select the newly added iteration node to access its workspace.
    The 2. I/O Mapping section reflects the configuration for the selected iteration.
  9. Enter values in the Data Points box to use for the iteration.

    An analytic may require a discrete number of points for execution (for example, 30 points to properly calculate the smoothed value of the particular metric). You can define custom values for data points to use at the iteration level.

    Note: When running the orchestration, data points defined at the iteration level will be used instead of (override) any data configuration on the deployment schedule page. Every new iteration added will inherit this value. You can customize this value for each iteration, if needed.
    Note: If fewer data points exist within the time range configured on the deployment schedule page than the number of data points specified in the step or iteration level, the available data points will be used. The system will not interpolate to fill the missing data points.
    The list of inputs and outputs appear on the new iteration where you can map tags in the Asset Tag list or Asset Hierarchy list.
  10. Map the inputs and outputs normally.
  11. Select Save Changes.