Send Certificate Expiry Notification

Sends email notification on certification expiry.

Install Site Administration Addon.
Email notifications must be sent to the recipients when their Operations Hub certificate expires, or is about to expire. Use the default entity, event, and template to complete this task. These are available on installing Operations Hub.
  • SendEmailEntity
  • CertificateExpiryEvent
  • CertificateEmailTemplate
  1. Log in to Site Administration Console and set up an email server.
    Here is an example of gmail setup:
    If using a Self-Signed certificate, you need to perform additional steps to update the setting.conf file.
  2. Log in to Operations Hub as an administrator.
  3. From the main navigation menu, select Events.
  4. Open CertificateExpiryEvent.
  5. On the ACTIONS tab, enter the email address of the recipients.
    Note: Do not modify the default populated details for CertificateExpiryEvent or CertificateEmailTemplate.
  6. Select Save And Exit.
When certification expiry is detected in the next 45 days, daily emails are sent to the recipients asking them to renew their certificates. The email also contains the details of the certificates about to expire (or already expired, if not renewed within 45 days).