Adding a Local or a Domain User


  1. Verify object type is Users or Groups.
  2. If you want to add a local user, verify the From This Location setting is your local machine. (Select Locations to specify the local machine, if required.). If you want to add a domain user:
    1. Select Locations to specify the domain, if required.
    2. Select Entire Directory or the specific domain underneath Entire Directory.
    3. Select OK.
  3. Select Advanced.
    The Advanced window appears.
  4. Select Find Now.
  5. From the list of users, select the users or groups to add or enter the names of the users or groups you want to add in the bottom field.
  6. In the Advanced window, select OK.
  7. In the Select Users window, select OK.
  8. In the Group Properties window, select OK.