The Simulation Collector

Simulation Data Collector

The Simulation Collector generates random numbers and string patterns for demonstration purposes. It contains a user-defined number of tags. You can configure the number of tags in the Collector Maintenance page of Historian Administrator or during installation.

The Simulation Collector generates random scaled values between 0 and 32,767. It uses the Engineering Units Hi and Lo values configured for each tag to scale the 0 to 32,767 pre-set values into appropriate engineering units. The default is 0 to 200,000.

The Simulation Collector also provides five string-simulation tags that generate random alphanumeric data. The Simulation Collector supports browsing and can automatically add tags in the same manner as the iFIX and OPC Collectors through the Add Tags from Collector window.
Note: You can create more simulation string tags by manually adding string tags with the CollectorName.Simulation.StringXXXX naming convention to the Simulation Collector.

Summary of Simulation Collector Features

Browse Source For TagsYes
Browse Source For Tag AttributesYes
Polled CollectionYes
Minimum Poll Interval100 ms
Unsolicited CollectionNo
Timestamp Resolution1 ms
Accept Device TimestampsNo
Floating Point DataYes
Integer DataYes
String DataYes
Binary DataNo
Python Expression TagsYes

The Configuration Section for the Simulation Collector

About this task

To access the Configuration section for the Simulation Collector:


  1. Select a Simulation Collector from the list on the left and select the Configuration section.
  2. The Number of Tags field displays the number of tags currently added to the Simulation Collector. Edit the Number of Tags field to increase or decrease the number of Simulation tags available for addition to the Historian system.

  3. The Function Period field configures the period, in seconds, of the SIN,STEP, and RAMP functions implemented in the Simulation Collector.
    The default is 60 seconds.

Tag Attributes Available for Browsing

The following table outlines the Simulation Collector tag attributes available for browsing.
Source AddressNo (N/A)
Engineering Unit DescriptionNo
Data TypeYes
Hi Engineering UnitsYes
Lo Engineering UnitsYes
Hi ScaleYes
Lo ScaleYes

Non-random Simulation Tags

Historian includes several tags to simulate non-random data. These tags are detailed in the following table. All the tags have a range of 0 to 1000.
ConstantMaintains a constant value.
Constant_1%NoiseSame as Constant, but produces 1% random noise.
Constant_5%NoiseSame as Constant, but produces 5% random noise.
Constant_20%NoiseSame as Constant, but produces 20% random noise.
RampSteadily increases value every polling period to create a smooth upward trend.
Ramp_1%NoiseSame as the Ramp tag, but produces 1% random noise.
Ramp_5%NoiseSame as Ramp tag, but produces 5% random noise.
Ramp_20%NoiseSame as Ramp tag, but produces 20% random noise.
SinProduces a Sine wave centered on a value of 500.
Sin_1%NoiseSame as Sine tag, but produces 1% random noise.
Sin_5%NoiseSame as Sine tag but produces 5% random noise.
Sin_20%NoiseSame as Sine tag but produces 20% random noise.
StepProduces a step trend centered on a value of 500.
Step_1%NoiseSame as Step tag, but produces 1% noise.
Step_5%NoiseSame as Step tag, but produces 5% noise.
Step_20%NoiseSame as Step tag, but produces 20% noise.