About Proficy Authentication
In Historian, user authentication is handled using Proficy Authentication, which provides user account and authentication (UAA) service. Proficy Authentication provides identity-based security for applications and APIs. It supports open standards for authentication and authorization, including Oauth2.
When a user is created, modified, or deleted in Historian, the associated user account is being created, modified, or deleted in the Proficy Authentication instance, respectively.
- Use a local Proficy Authentication service: Use this option if you are want to create a local Proficy Authentication instance. This is the default option. You can create this while installing Web-based Clients.
- Using a remote Proficy Authentication service: Use this option if you are currently using a Proficy Authentication service on a remote machine. You can install this service using Historian Web-based Clients, or you can use any other UAA service (such as Proficy Authentication installed using Operations Hub). You can then manage these users in Web-based Clients. The users in the remote Proficy Authentication service can then use Web-based Clients.
- https://www.ge.com/digital/documentation/uaa/c_uaa_about_uaa_groups.html
- https://www.ge.com/digital/documentation/uaa/c_uaa_about_uaa_users.html