Updating the Host OS

You can update the Predix Edge OS in the Predix Edge Technician Console.


  1. To update Predix Edge in the Device Status page, you can either click Update OS or click Device Setup in the left navigation pane.
  2. In the Device Setup page, click the Host OS tab.
  3. Click Upload OS Update.
  4. In the Upload dialog box, click Choose File, select the OS file, then click Upload.
    Note: Unpack the Predix Edge tar.gz image and use the signed software update file inside it (predix_edge_OS.swu.tar.gz or predix_edge_OS.swu, for example).
    Note: The OS update file must be packaged as a tar file (tar.gz) and has a size limit of 512 MB. For production environments, the OS image must be a GE-signed image and contain the installation script.
  5. (Optional) Click Cancel to cancel the upload.
  6. When the upload is complete, click Apply Update to update the operating system.
    When you apply the update, the OS is updated and restarts. You will need to sign into Predix Edge Technician Console again once the OS restarts. The Device Status page displays the Last Updated date in the device Details.
  7. (Optional) Click the trashcan icon to delete the uploaded OS update file if you do not want to apply the update.