Configuring and Building Edge OS for Virtual Machines

About this task

Instructions for configuring and building Edge OS for virtual machine target images.
Edge OS is supported for the following:
  • qemu86-64 qcow2 image.
  • OVA image.
The following are required in order to build Edge OS for virtual machines:

Use the following method to build the repository's target.

mkdir Edge
cd Edge
repo init -u ssh://[email protected]/Edge/meta-edge-vmware -m repo-manifest/meta-edge-vmware-repo-manifest-jenkins.xml -b develop
repo sync --detach --prune
./meta-edge-base/scripts/ -C meta-edge-vmware/build.conf
The resulting OVA image will be at:
  • ./build/images/amd64/predix_edge_os.ova

Import the OVA image into VMware Fusion or Workstation. Within VMware, click File > Import.