Managing Systems
- The Get Server Properties API
- Using the Get Server Properties API, you can view the
list of properties of a server.
METHOD GET URI https://<NLB DNS:9090>/historian-rest-api/v1/serverproperties
SAMPLE QUERY PARAM GET URL https://<NLB DNS:9090>/historian-rest-api/v1/serverproperties
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": null, "Data": { "Storages": [ { "StorageName": "System Storage", "StorageType": 2, "NumberOfDataStores": 1, "NumberOfArchivers": 0, "DataStores": [ "System" ], "Id": "861C2743-72E0-46FC-9B31-90E28CC39B8D", "IsDefault": false, "LastModifiedUser": null, "LastModifiedTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "ArchiverServices": [] }, { "StorageName": "xyz", "StorageType": 0, "NumberOfDataStores": 3, "NumberOfArchivers": 1, "DataStores": [ "ScadaBuffer", "DHSSystem", "User" ], "Id": "5F267DF3-879A-4222-8A0E-D31EDEA83C14", "IsDefault": true, "LastModifiedUser": null, "LastModifiedTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "ArchiverServices": [ { "LogicalName": "DataArchiver_xyz", "NodeName": "xyz", "ServiceType": 2, "IsAlreadyAdded": true, "TCPPort": 14001 } ] } ], "Servers": [ { "LogicalName": "DataArchiver_xyz0", "NodeName": "xyz", "ServiceType": 2, "Status": 1, "TCPPort": 14001, "MemoryVMSize": "4778", "TotalFailedWrites": "0", "WriteCacheHitRatio": "0.748", "TotalOutOfOrder": "3", "CompressionRatio": "0.321", "ReadQueueSize": "0", "WriteQueueSize": "0", "MsgQueueSize": "0", "ReadQueueProcessingRate": "1", "WriteQueueProcessingRate": "31", "MsgQueueProcessingRate": "0" } ] } }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” https://<NLB DNS:9090>/historian-rest-api/v1/serverproperties
Table 1. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL. - The Get System Statistics API
- Using the Get System Statistics API, you can view the
statistics of a system.
METHOD GET URI https://<NLB DNS:9090>/historian-rest-api/v1/systemstats
SAMPLE QUERY PARAM GET URL https://<NLB DNS:9090>/historian-rest-api/v1/systemstats
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": null, "Data": { "Utilization": { "WriteCacheHitRatio": "0.499", "SpaceConsumptionRate": "", "CompressionRatio": "0.199", "ReadQueueSize": "0", "WriteQueueSize": "0", "MsgQueueSize": "0", "ReadQueueProcessRate": "3", "WriteQueueProcessRate": "0", "MsgQueueProcessRate": "0", "MemoryVMUsage": "62", "OutOfOrderRate": "0", "ReadThreadUsage": "0", "WriteThreadUsage": "0", "FailedWriteRate": "0", "DiskFreeSpace": "59828" }, "AlarmEvents": { "AverageAlarmRate": "" }, "TotalCollectors": { "TotalCollectors": 1, "RunningCollectors": 1, "StoppedCollectors": 0, "UnknownCollectors": 0 }, "Licence": { "ActualDataStores": 3, "MaxDataStores": 200, "ActualTags": 0, "MaxTags": 2147483647, "ActualUsers": 0, "MaxUsers": 1000 } } }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” https://<NLB DNS:9090>/historian-rest-api/systemstats
Table 2. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL. - The Get Read Sample and Receive Rate API
- Using the Get Read Sample and Receive Rate API, you can
view the read rate and receive rate of a system.
METHOD GET URI Read Sample Ratehttps://<NLB DNS:9090>/historian-rest-api/v1/performancecounter/perftagdata/ PerfTag_AverageEventRate/-/-/starttime/endtime/interval
Receive Ratehttps://<NLB DNS:9090>/historian-rest-api/v1/performancecounter/perftagdata/ PerfTag_AverageReadRawRate/-/-/starttime/endtime/interval
SAMPLE GET URI https://<NLB DNS:9090>/historian-rest-api/v1/performancecounter/ perftagdata/PerfTag_AverageEventRate/-/-/2020-12-15T11:19:01.719Z/2020-12-15T12:19:01.719Z/360000
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": null, "Data": [ { "TagName": "PerfTag_AverageEventRate", "ErrorCode": 0, "DataType": "DoubleFloat", "Samples": [ { "TimeStamp": "2020-11-18T05:35:22.612Z", "Value": "0", "Quality": 0 }, { "TimeStamp": "2020-11-18T05:47:22.612Z", "Value": "0", "Quality": 0 }, { "TimeStamp": "2020-11-18T05:53:22.612Z", "Value": "0", "Quality": 0 }, { "TimeStamp": "2020-11-18T06:11:22.612Z", "Value": "0", "Quality": 0 }, { "TimeStamp": "2020-11-18T06:29:22.612Z", "Value": "0", "Quality": 0 } ] } ] }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” https://<NLB DNS:9090>/historian-rest-api/v1/performancecounter/perftagdata/ PerfTag_AverageEventRate/-/-/2020-12-15T11:19:01.719Z/2020-12-15T12:19:01.719Z/360000
Table 3. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL. - The Local OPC Servers API
- Using the Local OPC Servers API, you can view the list
of OPC servers installed on a specified machine.
METHOD GET URI http://<NLB DNS:9090>/v1/localopcservers/<machine name>
SAMPLE QUERY PARAM GET URL http://<NLB DNS:9090>/v1/localopcservers/<machine name>
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": null, "ServerIDs": [ "ID1", "ID2 " ] }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” https://<NLB DNS:9090>/historian-rest-api/v1/localopcservers/xyz
Table 4. Query Parameters Parameter Description Required? Values machine name
The machine name of the OPC server. Yes String Table 5. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL. - The Local OPC AE Servers API
- Using the Local OPC AE Servers API, you can view the
list of OPC Alarms and Events servers installed on a specified
METHOD GET URI http://<NLB DNS:9090>/v1/localopcaeservers/<machine name>
SAMPLE QUERY PARAM GET URL http://<NLB DNS:9090>/v1/localopcaeservers/<machine name>
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": null, "ServerIDs": [ "ID1", "ID2 " ] }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” https://<NLB DNS:9090>/historian-rest-api/v1/localopcaeservers/abc
Table 6. Query Parameters Parameter Description Required? Values machine name
The machine name of the OPC Alarms and Events server. Yes String Table 7. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL. - The Local OPC HDA Servers API
- Using the Local OPC HDA Servers API, you can view the
list of OPC HDA servers installed on a specified machine.
METHOD GET URI http://<NLB DNS:9090>/v1/localopchdaservers/<machine name>
SAMPLE QUERY PARAM GET URL http://<NLB DNS:9090>/v1/localopchdaservers/<machine name>
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": null, "ServerIDs": [ "ID1", "ID2 " ] }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” https://<NLB DNS:9090>/historian-rest-api/v1/localopchdaservers/xyz
Table 8. Query Parameters Parameter Description Required? Values machine name
The machine name of the OPC HDA server. Yes String Table 9. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL.