Introduction to Historian Administrator

Historian Administrator is a Windows-based application, which allows you to access administrative functions. Using Historian Administrator, you can monitor, supervise, archive, retrieve, and control data gathering functions from the server, a client, or one or more remote non-web-based nodes.
Note: You can install multiple instances of Historian Administrator. Changes that you make to parameters on one instance are not automatically updated in other instances.

Historian Administrator communicates with the Historian server using the Historian API. You can install Historian Administrator on a local or a remote machine that has a TCP/IP connection to the Historian server.

Intended Audience

This guide is intended for people who need to:
  • Retrieve and analyze archived information.
  • Set up and maintain configuration and other parameters for tags, collectors, and archives.
  • Perform specific supervisory and security tasks for Historian.
  • Maintain and troubleshoot Historian.

About Historian Administrator

Using Historian Administrator, you can:
  • Examine key operating statistics for archives and collectors.
  • Perform archive maintenance, including:
    • Setting archive size.
    • Selecting options and parameters.
    • Accessing security parameters.
    • Adding archives.
  • Perform tag maintenance, including:
    • Adding, deleting, and copying tags.
    • Searching for tags in a data source or in the Historian database.
    • Starting and stopping data collection for a tag.
    • Configuring, displaying, and editing tag parameters and options.
    • Displaying trend data for selected tags.
  • Perform collector maintenance, including:
    • Adding or deleting collectors.
    • Configuring, displaying, and editing parameters for all types of collectors.
    • Displaying performance trends for selected collectors.
Note: You can back up and restore archives directly using Elastic File System (EFS). If you try to back up archives using Historian Administrator, and error occurs.


If the number of archives is large (that is, more than 5,000), Historian Administrator takes a long time to start.