Access Pricing Information

About this task

To use Historian, you can choose between the following options:
  • License-based (BYOL): If you want to use the BYOL model, you can use your Proficy Historian for Linux license or buy it, and then apply it. You can then proceed to work with Proficy Historian for Cloud. In this case, you can deploy and use Proficy Historian for AWS directly.
  • Consumption-based: If you want to use the consumption-based model, you must pay for using Proficy Historian for Cloud based on the consumption (that is, the number data samples that are read/written to Data Archiver).
This topic describes how to access the price for fetching or writing data to Data Archiver per million samples. This information is available before you deploy Historian. It helps you estimate the cost of using Historian and plan accordingly.

If, however, you have already begun using Historian, you can access the cost incurred to fetch or write data to Data Archiver and make payment.


  1. Log in to the AWS console.
  2. Access the following URL: Or, search for Proficy Historian for AWS.
    The pricing information of Proficy Historian for AWS appears in the Pricing Information section.