Known Issues and Limitations


The following are the limitations with Proficy Historian for Cloud:

Description Tracking ID
You cannot add more than 1 Cloud Historian server in Configuration Hub


Bug 282629

User Defined Types are not supported.


Bug ID 87729

The Stale Tags functionality is not supported.


Bug ID 87729

The same Proficy Authentication cannot be used for more than one Proficy Historian on Cloud. Bug 87909
Alarms and Event Archiver does not work with Cloud Historian.


Bug ID 87729

When upgrading Cloud Historian from any version prior to 2023, you first need to upgrade to any of the 2023 versions (2023, 2023.1, 2023.1.1) and then upgrade to 2024. N/A
The .NET and CA API does not work with Cloud Historian as Cloud Historian is Linux based. N/A
Historian as an OPC HDA Server and OPC UA DA Server is not supported. N/A
The Historian Diagnostics Manager is not suppported with Cloud Historian. N/A
The File collector, the HAB collector, the Cygnet collector, and the Alarm and Events collectors are not supported with Cloud Historian. N/A
LDAPS is not supported with containerized Proficy Authentication. N/A
Collector Compression is not automatically applied to tags created for an MQTT Sparkplug B collector instance that was added with collector compression enabled. DE212048
Hierarchical browsing of tags is not supported for an OPC collector connected to an iFIX source. DE204135

Import more than 50000 tags to Historian Server for the OPC UA collector using Excel Add-in is not supported.


It is recommended to add less than 30000 tags for a collection interval of 1 second or more.

In addition:
  • The performance of Historian Administrator when connected to Proficy Historian for Cloud is not good. We recommend using Configuration Hub.
  • In general, it is recommended that you use Configuration Hub instead of Historian Administrator or the Web Admin.

Known Issues

Description Tracking ID
Cannot create archives manually from the Historian Administrator (VB Admin)

Workaround: Use Configuration Hub to perform any configurations.

Not able to create array tags of data type VariableString

There is currently no workaround.

Restoring of Archives is not working from Historian Administrator

Workaround: Use Configuration Hub to perform any configurations.

Historian Node Name is set to "historian-svc" for S2S and S2D collectors when instantiated from Configuration Hub

Workaround: Provide the NLB DNS in the Destination Historian server field during collector instantiation.

Not able to configure tags for S2D collector from Configuration Hub

Workaround: Use the Historian Administrator (VB Admin) to configure tags for S2D collector.

SDK clients does not give the correct information about collector version

Workaround: Use Configuration Hub instead.

On a 32 bit machine, Collectors are communicating to Cloud Historian on 14000 port even after encryption is enabled

There is currently no workaround.

In the Server Properties, some of the properties are being shown as NA & some of them as 0's. 91561
Statistics are not shown for Cloud Historian tags in Operations Hub 2024

There is currently no workaround.


If you import tags, along with their CreationTime and CreationUser, that were exported from Configuration Hub, the Excel Add-in displays the message: Proficy Historian Import Tags Error.

Workaround: Maually remove the CreationTime and CreationUser columns in the exported file before importing it.


When you use the Python collector to convert a value to boolean type, the results are provided in a string format.

Workaround: When you convert a value to a Boolean type, you must store the results as Result = bool(Historian.CurrentValue('TP.Simulation00001'))

The trend decimal values in Configuration Hub are different from those in Historian Administrator.

There is currently no workaround.

In Historian Interactive SQL, the sampling mode "rawbyfiltertoggle" is not returning the expected output. DE212904
Collector Compression is not working as expected for the Calculation Collector. DE212897

DA Crashes when you try to create UDT using JAVA API.

UDTs are not supported with Cloud Historian. In this case, DA automatically restarts.

Read Sample Rate and Receive Rate are not showing correct results in Configuration Hub. 516219
In Operations Hub 2024 Trend Card, Statistics are not shown for Cloud Historian tags. 502854
Redundancy options are enabled for some of the collectors like Server to Server, ODBC, OPCHDA, and Wonderware Collectors in Configuration Hub for which redundancy is not supported. 283537
Soft deleted tags are not showing up in the reports. 363074