About Proficy Historian for Azure Cloud

Proficy Historian is a best-in-class historian software solution that collects industrial timeseries data. It is secure, fast, and highly efficient.

Proficy Historian for Cloud allows you to deploy the Historian server and its components on cloud destinations. Specifically, Proficy Historian for Azure Cloud allows you to deploy the Historian server on Azure Cloud.

It supports all the clients in the on-premises counterpart of Proficy Historian (such as collectors, Excel Addin). You can install them on-premises or on an Azure Virtual Machine (either on the same or a different VNet), and then connect to Data Archiver deployed on Azure Cloud.

Advantages of using Proficy Historian for Azure Cloud:
  • Azure Marketplace: Proficy Historian for Cloud is now available in Azure marketplace.
  • Integration with Workbook: Using Workbook, you can access logs, which help in troubleshooting issues.
  • File Storage in Azure: Files are stored in Azure, thus achieving scalability and security. It also offers backup and restore options.
    • Locally redundant storage (LRS) copies your data synchronously three times within a single physical location in the primary region. LRS is the least expensive replication option but isn't recommended for applications requiring high availability or durability.
    • Zone-redundant storage (ZRS) copies your data synchronously across three Azure availability zones in the primary region. For applications requiring high availability, Microsoft recommends using ZRS in the primary region, and replicating to a secondary region.
  • Deployment in Azure Kubernetes Cluster (AKS): Proficy Historian for Azure Cloud is deployed in AKS, thus achieving high availability.

  • Secure and highly available: Proficy Historian for Azure Cloud is deployed on an Azure Virtual Network (VNet). It uses TLS encryption, thus making it secure.

    In addition, Proficy Historian for Azure Cloud is deployed on multiple availability zones. If Data Archiver goes down, a new one is created in less than 10 seconds, thus making it highly available.