DOUT Faceplate: Details Frame

Refer to the following table for descriptions of the fields.

Note: Data entry fields in this Details frame are writable when a user Is associated with both the object's resource and a role that has at least a Level 200. If, after you log in, the data entry fields should be writable and are not, consult your system administrator.
Area Description
1 Click the Forcing check box to enable or disable forcing.  
2 Click to force an On or Off state. When On, Raw is forced to the On state.  When Off, Raw is forced to the Off state. If Forcing is active, On can be clicked to Off; Off can be clicked to On.
3 The discrete state passed into the DOUT block which determines the RAW state. On displays when the energized state is achieved. Off displays when the de-energized state is achieved.
4 Raw Output State; the hardwired output. On displays when the energized state is achieved. Off displays when the de-energized state is achieved.
5 Exit Button. Click to close the faceplate.