Tracker Query Expression Syntax

In order to work effectively with the Query Expression Editor it is important to have a working knowledge of TADB structure and Basic Tracker and vocabulary.

Rules for building Query expressions include:

Syntax conventions used for building queries.
Methods in the expression language.
Simple non-terminals.
Complex non-terminals.
Named expressions.

Syntax conventions used for building queries

The syntax conventions use different font attributes for different components of the syntax.

Syntax Applied to Definitions
Italic Non-terminals. Placeholders in the syntax and are defined elsewhere in this syntax summary.
Bold Terminals Literal reserved words and symbols that must be entered as shown. Characters are always case sensitive, except for NULL, which can be any possible case combination.
opt Optional Non-terminals followed by opt are always optional. Example { expression opt } Indicates an optional expression enclosed in curly braces.
Default typeface Terminal characters Characters be used as terminals in expressions.

Alternative definitions are listed on separate lines, except when prefaced with the words one of.

Methods in the expression language

The three methods that use the expression language are:

Method Definition
GetValues(ItemID,AttributeList) Retrieve a set of values from a particular item's attributes.
ListItems(ItemType,Expression) Find out if a particular item does or does not meet a set of criteria.
TestItem(ItemID,Expression) Find all the items that do match a set of criteria.

Start Symbols

The basic building blocks that will make an expression valid are the start symbols, attribute-list and expression.

Non-terminal Definition
(Start Symbols)
attribute-list list-attribute attribute-list ; list-attribute Note: A complete attribute-list symbol must be passed to GetValues.
expression term ! opt ( expression ) expression & expression expression | expression type-id { expression } Note: A complete expression symbol must be passed to TestItem or ListItems.

Simple non-terminals

Simple non-terminals can be combined to form more complex non-terminals.

Non-terminal Definition
Attribute-id Identifier
Digit One of 0 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9
Group-id Identifier
Length Number
Letter One of _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Named-expression-name Identifier
Number Digit, e.g. 5 Number digit, e.g. 25
Relational One of = < > <=?? >= =l =r
Space A single blank space character
Start-pos Number
Text Depends on the:
  • Operator that precedes the text and
  • Data type of the attribute being compared.
Will elicit one of the following results.
  • The text will be converted to the correct type automatically.
  • When either of the following operators are used:
=l =r the target attribute will be converted to character form before comparison.
  • If a type conversion cannot take place, an error condition will result and the query will not execute.
Timestamp literals can take one of two forms.
Absolute time stamps ???yyyy-mo-dd[ hh:mi:ss]'.
??yyyy 4 digit year
??mo 2 digit month
??dd 2 digit date
??hh hours
??mi minutes
??ss seconds
static time stamps ???M:Q???.
??M Measurement unit, which is one of the following:
yy years
q quarters
m months
d days
ww weeks
h hours
n minutes
s seconds
ms milliseconds
??Q An integer quantity of time from the current time in specified measurement units. Negative numbers are used to represent previous time stamps.
Type-id Identifier
Value Either: ??? text ??? null min() max()
minmax .min( identifier ) .max( identifier )

Complex non-terminals

Complex definitions usually have more than one rule.

Non-terminals Definition
attribute group-id . attribute-id start-pos opt length opt
identifier letter digit identifier letter identifier digit identifier space identifier
list-attribute attribute group-id (sub-expression) minmaxopt .attribute-id start-posopt lengthopt type-id { list-attribute }
sub-attribute attribute-id start-pos opt length opt
sub-expression sub-term sub-expression & sub-expression sub-expression | sub-expression
sub-term ! opt attribute Relational values ! opt sub-attribute Relational values
term ! opt attribute Relational values ! opt group-id (sub-expression ) minmaxopt
values value values, value

Named expressions

A named expression may be a single symbol or multiple symbols and may not contain a text symbol except in the context of completing a value symbol. ??

The syntax for using a named expression is:

$ named-expression-symbol $

A named expression can be inserted anywhere except between ??? characters.