STT (Initiate a Production Start)

Provides a mechanism to initiate a production start for an item in a tracking region.

The fields in this record are:

Field Description
char record_type[3] STT
BOOLEAN ext_proc_flag If TRUE, get all info from ext process for serialized item
char region_id[17] Region where the item is to be added to the queue or production start is to begin
char item_id[21] Unique identifier of a serialized item
char reference_id[21] Secondary identifier of a serialized item
char item_type_id[17] Item type identifier
char parent_item_id[21] Associated serialized item identifier
COR_U4 item_status Hexadecimal representation of desired item status
COR_BOOLEAN ext_hold_active If TRUE, item held due to external hold.
char group_id[17] identifier of the Tracking Group providing the reason for the hold.
COR_BOOLEAN int_hold_active If TRUE, item held due to internal hold.
char int_hold_reason[41] Comment specifying reason for internal hold.
char comment[41] Comment to be recorded in prt history log file.
char user_or_svc_id[33] User or service identifier

If no Item Attribute information is to be specified in the production start for an item, the STT record need not be preceded by any ATT records (for filling in elements within the Item Attribute array). To specify item attribute information, see the description of the ATT record type.