RCOExtDec API Calls in relation to PDC_API Calls

RCOEXTDEC API Calls Corresponding PDC_API Calls
COR_14 ExtDec_api_init (COR_U4, COR_STATUS) COR_14 pdc_api_init (COR_U4, COR_STATUS)
COR_14 ExtDec_api_get_msg (DADDR*, COR_14, PDC_DEC_REQUEST*, PDC_CTRL_LOC*, COR_STATUS) Additional argument DADDR* - address of requesting process (read from message) COR_14 pdc_api_get_msg (COR_14*, PDC_DEC_REQUEST*, PDC_CTRL_LOC*, COR_STATUS)
COR_14 ExtDec_api_init_comm (DADDR*, COR_STATUS*) Used by pdc_api_init as init_comm (internal function???not exported), to initialize communication with Controller processes configured to talk to external process using this API.
COR_14 ExtDec_send_decision (DADDR*, COR_14, PDC_CTRL_DECISIONS*, COR_STATUS) Additional argument DADDR* - address of requesting process. COR_14 pdc_api_send_decision (PDC_CTRL_DECISIONS*, COR_STATUS*)
COR_14 ExtDec_api_term (COR_STATUS) COR_14 pdc_api_term (COR_STATUS)